Dr. Yuri Verkhoshanski and Dr. Michael Yessis are holding a joint seminar on February 11-13 in Lisle, IL .
Dr. Verkhoshanski is the inventor of plyometrics and a pioneer in the development of the conjugate system of periodization.
Dr. Michael Yessis is an expert in the fields of biomechanics and sports technique analysis.
In addition to the distinguished lecturers, many of the top coaches in the strength and conditioning field will be in attendance.
We may record the seminar and sell it on our website.
However, this is not a guarantee by any means, so if you are interested in the information that will be presented I strongly recommend that you plan on attending.
Additionally, the first 30 people to register are eligible to a submit a written question to Dr. Verkhoshanski and Dr. Yessis that is guaranteed to be answered at the seminar.
I should point-out just how unique an opportunity this really is. Dr. Verkhoshanski was the top sport-scientist in the former Soviet Union, and he has never been (and likely never will again) to the United States.
Coaches in the know realize that the U.S. is still behind the former Soviet Union in terms of training athletes. This is in large part due to Dr. Verkhoshanski’s pioneering work.
In the United States, Dr. Verkhoshanski’s work is only available in poor translations that are subject to the translator’s interpretation. This is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity to hear this information straight from the man who revolutionized the field.
If you attend this seminar you will obtain knowledge that few others in the world can claim to have.
hugepectorals- Sorry, no discounts given to individual sexy women. However, if you can get together a group of people (preferably sexy women) then discounts are available.
davidian- Dr. Verkhoshanski has released other books in the past few years. However, these books are not available in english. Any future books that are published will likely NOT be available in english simply because the demand in the U.S. and other english-speaking countries is not high enough.