It’s time for the 2nd Annual Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift seminar. The seminar will be held here in Ft. Wayne, IN, on Saturday, January 22nd. Here’s a link to the brochure:
I believe we have taped all our seminars to-date, just haven’t had the time to do the editing that goes into it. However, if there’s enough interest, we’d definitely look into it!
Ok, d/t some inclement weather here this past weekend, we have rescheduled the seminar to Saturday, February 12th. Hopefully some of you that expressed interest before but had other commitments can come out and join us. I would say we’re only going to take another 2-3 people as the gym is going to be pretty crammed as it is.
Let me know if you have any questions. I hope to see some of you there!
What all goes on at the seminar and how long does it last. I’m a T-Nation lurker who would definately love to be more knowledgable but can’t be totally sure I’ll get off of work. Thanks,
We go over science behind the powerlifts, hands-on application and performance of each lift, as well as a slew of assistance lifts at the end. The seminar lasts from 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., so it’s an all day gig. Typically I like to go to lunch with the attendees as well so they can fire questions and talk shop. PM me if you need more info!