Hey Guys
Ive been a lurker here for years- anyways first post.
I saw him regarding some back pain hip pain sciatic crap ive being having the past few months. He showed me on the xrays L5 thinned out and a few others plus some in the neck. He is powerlifter so he understands weights and suggest to keep on lifting sensibly…
Im just worried now where before i thought not much of it now im scared lifting is screwing me. He reckons my forms great and not the problem, i think i did the damage years ago lifting with bad form when i was a young idiot. How many of you out there have buggered discs and keep on lifting? he reckons L5 is the one causing the problem i love squatting and deadlifting but now i have it in the back of my mind my discs are going to wear out and im going to be stuffed.
thanks for reading.