Yeah, there’s no way to know what’s going on unless you’re plugged into the right circle. Also, definitely a western bias.
Some thing to note, nearly every player playing for Italy this six nations was either born out of Italy or playing in France.
We toured France for pre-season and the rugby was pretty sharp in Division 2 for pre season especially. At least they ruck!
My pick is that Canada will upset a few teams next world cup. Must be benefiting from it’s partnership with English Rugby. I think that all top teams should be doing what England is doing to bring up so called second tier countries.
Going to see my agent on Monday so will know more then.
Would be interesting to see current Italian team up against NZ provincial sides, probably give most a run for their money. Wouldn’t beat super 14 teams though IMO.
My teammate is only 6’4 but a big solid 6’4. I am the aerial lock but have been developing my ball carrying skills this year.
By the way we are located in Northern Italy 1.5 hours from Milan, Venice and Florence.
Got to run got team training.
[quote]Natelock wrote:
Some thing to note, nearly every player playing for Italy this six nations was either born out of Italy or playing in France.
We toured France for pre-season and the rugby was pretty sharp in Division 2 for pre season especially. At least they ruck!
My pick is that Canada will upset a few teams next world cup. Must be benefiting from it’s partnership with English Rugby. I think that all top teams should be doing what England is doing to bring up so called second tier countries.
Going to see my agent on Monday so will know more then.
Would be interesting to see current Italian team up against NZ provincial sides, probably give most a run for their money. Wouldn’t beat super 14 teams though IMO.
My teammate is only 6’4 but a big solid 6’4. I am the aerial lock but have been developing my ball carrying skills this year.
By the way we are located in Northern Italy 1.5 hours from Milan, Venice and Florence.
Got to run got team training.
take some pics bro. Add some woem too, to keep the thread interesting.
I’ve got the Precision Nutrition but I’ve held off on starting until after the season. Don’t want to upset the applecart when I can’t predict the match day results.
I’m not sure but I think here in the US we have three divisions with an additional three sub-divisions in the top. They seem to be primarily decided by population base though smaller teams are required to move up if they win a certain number of division championships. So far all the refs we’ve had have either been NZers or Ausssies and the biggest issue has been that they crack down pretty quickly on “over enthusiastc” play. But then they let alot of dangerous tackles go. Oh well, go figure?!?!
I saw a shocker avatar out there. Did you play in the Savannah St. Patrick’s Tourney? Man, that was one awesome weekend!
I’ll post my feelings/results from PN and my new Back 2 Basics off season program in a few weeks and then update if this thread keeps up. Or maybe if we get a Rugby thread going somewhere else. Also thinking about giving something along the Anabolic Diet line a shot. I’ve heard it gives a massive energy boost.
I went to school with a few guys who play for the Canada team (U-21 mostly right now). I don’t follow it that much anymore tho.
[quote]supermick wrote:
This board seems to be full of American lovers of the game of rugby. Who should we be looking out for at the 07 world cup from your shores?
Its interesting to note: USA won the previous two gold medals in rugby in the Olympics.
[quote]RuggerSean wrote:
I saw a shocker avatar out there. Did you play in the Savannah St. Patrick’s Tourney? Man, that was one awesome weekend!
I’ve played in a couple Savannah St. Paddy’s day tourneys for FAU and various whoring. I think i played there last in 2004. Love that place, oh the stories I have…
Even our US Super League refs are pretty average, although they beat the hell out of the lower division refs. I just hate when they try to control the game instead of letting us play. Although the development is getting better all around.
One of the issues I have with Canada is that they seem to keep the scores down by committing penalties and killing ball. Although, as much as it hurts to admit, they are a bit better than us right now. They have more professionals in their squad and have a more resources to spread around for camps and assemblies.
As far as Eagles to watch:
Mike Hercus is quite good at #10, Kort Schubert is a solid #8/#6…played against #3 Chris Osentowski last weekend in our Super League opener and he absolutely wrecked me up front…#15 Francois Viljion was good as well…
Yeah I remember Italy touring in NZ and getting wrecked by the NPC sides…but they were quite competitive in the 6 Nations this year, although who wasn’t?
Need rest, big SL game vs Dallas tomorrow…
Hey all,
Just got back from game today, a come from behind all penaltie’s ugly victory.
I played well, got all my lineouts and stole 3 of theirs. Pretty solid but not spectacular round the rest of the park.
The coach was happy but the boys were pretty quiet in the shed. A good sign that even with victory they want a better performance.
My mate (front rower) used to say to me,
Winning is like Pussy it’s always better to get an ugly one than go home empty handed.
[quote]Natelock wrote:
My mate (front rower) used to say to me,
Winning is like Pussy it’s always better to get an ugly one than go home empty handed.[/quote]
I’m so stealing that.
This is an interesting thread. Lets keep it up.
I play rugby in the states for my college, and I also played 2 years in high school. I know at the high school level the programs are exploding; when I played, there were 4 teams in Charlotte, NC, now they have about ten teams, they have full-blown high school tournaments and development camps, now if we could only get more funding at the college level it would take off…
Interesting to read that Rugby is picking up in the States. I grew up in Tonga and Rugby was pretty much all we played, use to muck around back in high school with some big names in rugby including Tevita Vaikona from the UK.
Anyhow, Great thread Natelock. Keep it going.
Travel tip for Italy.
If you get pulled over in Italy tell them you play rugby. If they try to ticket you tell them you don’t speak Italian and they have to write the ticket in English. Most officers can’t write english so let you go. If that doesn’t work give it to the local cop who has a brother on the team an voila no more ticket.
Top ways to fight the winter boredom,
Downloaded about 100 movies and 200 tv episodes, loving scrubs and Krystie is loving desperate housewives.
Go ten pin bowling nearly every week.
Eat 100 different cheap chicken recipes because all of Italy is paranoid about bird flu that was in a swan or duck.
Throw things from our third story balcony at chickens below, they are hard to hit but not impossible.
(Will shoot them if bird flu does become widespread).
Have snow fight with local kids from third story building, really just target practice as they can’t throw snow that high ha ha.
Hey all,
Just received precision nutrition in the mail yesterday, looks pretty good, lots of stuff from T-Nation on there but the recipes look outstanding. Will give my thoughts next week once I have look over it completely.
Only five matches left here. Naples this weekend should be rough. We are guaranteed third place this year. So no bonus money for me.
Have been playing the best ever over the past month for me, a lot more rounded game and winning lots of lineout ball. See a couple of photos below of me winning a couple of lineouts.
Didn’t get to go to Ireland for St Paddies day as they gave us a friendly match (Is rugby ever friendly) against the second best team in Italy. My agent said they were looking for a aggresive lock for next season. Anyway played really well and will trial in May for them. The coach asked the opposition players what I was like and they all said I was an aggresive bastard to play against…just what I was after.
Also going to miss travelling through Naples and Amalfi Coast as we have another “friendly” against Croatia next week. Will be cool to play the 27th best ranked country in the world.
Anyone here playing superbru?? It’s an internet results picking game. I always play virtual super 12 and usually suck but this time i am coming 45th out of 4500 people. I must confess that I havn’t seen a game of the super 14 this year.Have been wondering if I really know anything about rugby??
And another, this was a lob throw. I am on the way up to grab it.
One with ex AB Ian Jones from a course I did in July.
Finally one with ex springbox coach Nick Mallet.
What a thief!
[quote]Natelock wrote:
What a thief![/quote]
great pic.
what are you doing for in-season conditioning?
ever have any back problems? that’s a lot of spine to be locked up in scrum!!
[quote]Natelock wrote:
Buon Giorno/ Kia Ora.
My main goals…
Add roughly 10 pounds of LMM over next four months. (Have ordered precision nutrition to sort out my biggest weakness).
Increase my strength levels in that time by 20 percent.
Hey N8
Does that 20% include your bench Ha ha or are you still using westside for skinny bastards.
Tell Iacopo the old man is closing in on his numbers so he should pick his game up, also Gabriele is training at The House now.
Just came across your thread looking good N8, should jump on our forum look at the training logs, should put yours there.
In Strength