Routine Advice

1st time poster… lurked for a while. Quick background: I am 23, 5’8" and a grad student in biophysical chem. I use to run 3-4miles races so I rocked the POW looked. Started lifting while I was running. I more or less gave up running after months of trying to gain weight while running hard. 20 months ago I was sitting at 138lbs. I have worked my way slowly up to 183ish and still putting on 2-4lbs/months.

Anyway, I have been using split routines for the last couple years and decided it was finally time to try a more full body approach for at least 4 weeks to see how I respond to it. I know the old addage if it aint broke don’t fix it, but it was time for a new routine anyway and trying new things makes this game fun.

My plan:

Day 1:
Conventional DL
Clean and Press
Calves Work
Barbell Curls

Day 2:
Back Squats
Good Mornings
Wide Grip Pullup
Skull Crushers (on decline)
Cable Cross Overs

Day 3:
Upright Row
Incline Bench
Bent Over Rows

Day 4:
Front Squats
Abs (crunches with twists up top and vacuums)

Set/Rep range will start at 5x5 and I will rotate around 6x4 and 8x3s. The few more isolation exercises (BB curls, facepulls) are just to give a little extra attention to where I feel I need to be evened out a bit. My legs were neglected for ages because “i ran.” What a horrible excuse. I have seen the light though. My current lift 1RM (if it matters)

Bench: 225 (sad for my weight)
ATG Squat: 220
Deadlift: 415

Any suggestions or areas I seem to have neglected let me know. Thanks for your time.