Rotational strength and power

Fellow t-brothers, I’m a thrower and my coach told me I need to develop more rotational power and strength. He says that I need to increase my strength from the top of my quads to just below my pectorals…any ideas? (I have access to all kinds of equiptment)

I think what your coach might be saying is to strengthen your “core”. Most of the power that comes from throwing, punching etc, comes from that region. Work on your hips, glutes, abs, obliques, spinal erectors and the like. Charles Staley has some great programs for this type of training. Also ask coach Davies what he thinks.

Core power and speed of motion. There is a wide variety of work to do. What event to you specialize in (shot/hammer/javelin?). In faith, Coach Davies

I like those full-contact twists from the Evolution of Ab Training article. Russian shotputters do them.

Hey coach I’m a shot putter.

I am assuming your coach can teach these lifts but if not let me know. I would suggest you begin incorporating some of the Olympic lifts and hybrid movements as well as other core movements such as turkish getups and med ball work. I will be happy to discuss to in greater detail. In faith, Coach Davies

In order to increase your rotational power and strength, you must increase rotational speed and explosiveness. But to do this, you should first assess your basic movement patterns involved in throwing the shot. If you do, you will see that there are three basic movements: the lunge, the push, and the twist. Therefore if you do exercises that focus on developing speed (power) and strength in these three areas, you should begin to notice improvement in your power and strength generation.

Hey coach thanks for taking the time to give me some pointers! Ya my coach is going to show be some Olympic lifts like power clean and lift. What kind of medicine ball work do you recommend? I think we have a 8KG BALL.

Have your Coach teach you the Power Clean, Jerk and Snatch Lift. Pay careful attention to learning the full motion (front squat with Power Clean and the Split Lunge and Overhead Squat of the Snatch). There are many Hybrid motions as well and different start positions but this is a good start. Please review the Turkish Get Up as well and I will be happy to send you a large series of photos of it but there was also an article in tmag on it. Consider performing your Incline Press with modest width. I use a very wide assortment of med ball exercises for torso power & speed. I hope this assists you. In faith, Coach Davies

Thanks Coach.