[quote]poper wrote:
Hey all,
I’ve just watched one of Ronnie
I’d be a little leary of throwing around, what look like, Coleman’s videos and can see that most of his strength is purely from awesome genetics, a love for the sport, and a buttload of steroids.
However, his training parameters almost never change, his training variety is much lower than other bodybuilders,he eats far fewer meals than his competitors, including Jay Cutler, and his idea of a clean eating is 5 pounds of chicken bathed in BBQ sauce with another 5 pounds of french fries.
Hey whatever works, he’s on the top of his game. However, do you think Ronnie would be much bigger and stronger if he would change his exercise variety, and his eating habits?
just a thought
I don’t know how much stronger he could get. The guy is easily the strongest bodybuilder going. I’m not certain of his #s, but I believe he squats over 800 deads the same and benches 500 for reps.
To also remain a bb, I don’t see what more he can do. I’m not especially a fan of his for the world of bb, but I respect his amazing strength.
I’d be a little leary of throwing around, what appear to be, condescendinremarks about his strength and how he achieved it. That man has put alot of hard work into his body.
And just how many years of training do you have under your belt where you feel you have the right to qualify, the denegrate his training and results?