Right or wrong?

Hi. I would like to discuss something with all of you for a moment. I plan to compete in bodybuilding next year as I have a friend who did really well last weekend, weighting 182 pounds, cut and muscular (much more than me - I weight 204/10%bf) and he inspired me a lot.

Now let me be straight to the point. When talking to competitive bbuilders, I hear different opinions about what’s effective and what’s not. And most of the times, it is the opposite of the resistence training coaches give in this web site. Look, I am another fan of the great concepts of Coach Davies, but you will not turn yourself into a huge and muscular person by doing rope exercises, or working with a ball.

I know that many of you have experienced great gains while doing endurance training or doing what football players do, but I'm not a football player, nor I want to swim faster of run for a longer period of time. I want to be big. And I'm not talking about drug use now.

I would like to hear different opinions…

I might not be the right person to answer this, but your post seems a little unfocused. You start off seeming like you want a correct way to get big, sorta bash the current functional training advice given out, and then just ask for different opinions. Are you asking for solid ways to get big or do you just want to hear different opinions of size vs. functionality?

Guss, I agree!!! strength coaches sre just that strength coaches NOT muscle coaches. muscle gain is usualy a side effect of their training programs and not the goal. as always peace

you are completely correct from the standpoint of some of the trainging programs I have supplied. Once we identify what are goal is we can identify how to attack the job at hand. You’ve heard me talk of functional work but unfortunatly it hasn’t been specialized for an athlete who is undersized or a Highland Games competitor or for a bodybuilder. Now I have worked with a number of professional OLineman who have put on tremendous size during the training. I’m in a kind of no-mans land, track coaches cant understand why I lift so hardcore and the beasts in the weight room cant understand how I can run so much. So if want to chat more of size development - lets see what we can do. In faith, Coach Davies

I think we give too much credit to our muscles. They do not know what we are lifting. They only understand opposing force and recruitment. So to say that someone who does functional training can’t be big is a misconception. Magnus Samuelson and all the strongmen are huge. They just never went through a diet phase to drop bodyfat because they would lose strength. Size is proportional to the amount of calories you eat.

Gus: The key question that ALL of us have to ask is “What Is My Goal?” As hetyey said, muscle gain, for say a Pro Football Player, is a side effect, not a specific goal(at least not their MAIN goal). Therefore, depending on who you ask, you WILL get different answers. This Forum has recently been an eye-opening example to me. There are a LOT of people on this site (as evidenced by the threads to Coach Davies) whose goals are in functional, activity-specific strength and endurance development. I thought that when I first began exploring this site that it was going to be dominated by the " I just wanna get HUGE/“Fat Boy” crowd that tend to dominate so many sites. The diversity of goals on this site has been just amazing…and exciting! So…Gus…define your goals first…THEN ask a person or persons whom you think will be best in helping you meet those goals.

why dont you check out my “creation of a t-man” article. the programs are designed for bodybuilding training as Im a bodybuilder myself.