[quote]BodynDragnet wrote:
I’ve done a lot of reading on this site as well with others, all of which pulling me in opposite directions at times it seems, so I thought I’d post here and get some suggestions about my particular situation.
I’m entering lacrosse season. I dont know if a lot of you are familiar with it, but its a cardio intensive sport like soccer but is full contact, kinda like hockey. Anyway, I’m straying way off topic.
I have access to a well-equipped gym and am able to go there 5 times a week. I’m willing to spend however long it takes to get results in the gym: time is no factor.
I’m basically looking to be setup with a weight-training program and a cardio plan which will keep me balanced, since I can’t be a big muscular slug out there. I’ve read a lot of articles about doing cardio and consequently having muscle loss, and that kinda worries me.
Some stats:
190lbs. yes, i’m a skinny fuck.
Anything else? Ask
Anyway, any tips, suggestions, opinions, whatever and I’d be greatful. Thx.[/quote]
Here’s a couple random thoughts:
1.) Yes, you’ll be pulled in multiple directions by this site. This site is about weightlifting in general, and isn’t really sport-specific. Thus, many of the articles and posts won’t be much use to you.
2.) You’re not going to become a big muscular slug. Don’t worry about that for now.
3.) You should probably limit your lifting during the “on” season for any sport. Otherwise your performance on the field will suffer. I.e. only lift once or twice a week, and do it when you don’t have practice the next day. That said, if you don’t really care that much about this season, lift as much as you want, and be twice-as-strong for NEXT season. You?re body will tell you when you?re training too much. Listen to it.
4.) Westside for Skinny Bastards. Search for it. Squatting and Deadlifting will up your sprinting and hitting power.
5.) Cardio causing muscle-loss is not your concern right now. You want strength and power, not big showy muscles. You need the cardio/endurance-work to last through a game.
6.) Try interval training. I.e. jog for 3 minutes, SPRINT like a motherfucker for 1 minute, jog for 3 minutes, repeat until you puke. Wipe your mouth off and do it some more.
Just some thoughts.