Ridicilous Amount of Stretch Marks

I’m not big by any means. 16" arms, 185lbs @ 5’10".

But still getting up there, I have aquired a truly horrifying amount of stretch marks on my right and left arms, and my legs.

My arms look like they belong to a tiger right now. Does my skin just really suck at expanding? Is there anything I can do to reduce the amount of flaring redness from them?

And the really odd thing is… the worst of them started to appear when I LOST WEIGHT.

You should see my shoulders and lats, it is getting to the point where it looks like there are some white stripes on a red background.

Moisturizer and lotion helps a bit for me. Colloquially, shea butter and cocoa butter based creams/ointments/whatevers are supposed to help.

Pics of all of this horrible and unsightly stretch marks please.

[quote]A Ninny Mouse wrote:
Moisturizer and lotion helps a bit for me. Colloquially, shea butter and cocoa butter based creams/ointments/whatevers are supposed to help.[/quote]

Do you know if these are temporary fixes or permanent?

I have some leg marks from football days I would like to get rid of, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I have some on my hamstrings as well.

there is no cure to stretch marks. only thing you can do is try to conceal it.

They fade with time. I have some gnarly ones on my legs, arms and upper chest in the armpit area. The ones on my arms were really red and a year later they’re just white lines. Anyways they’re more or less battle scars from lifting the iron, if you want to get huge you’ll just have to deal. Wear them proudly.

I got some crazy ones on my biceps somehow before I even started training seriously. Nowadays I make sure to lotion the front shoulders and biceps areas after I get out of the shower to hopefully help prevent future ones.

hey at least you know you’re growing

There is no cure for stretchmarks. Also, EVERY SINGLE REALLY BIG BODYBUILDER HAS THEM so why worry about this? If you tried to grow slowly enough to avoid it, you would never get that big to begin with.

I assaulted my shoulders over fall semester and got some sick new marks!

consider them tats now, you got em forever

be proud!!!

just wait until you’re 250+

I heard vitamin E helps… Donno if that has any merit? Someone else may be able to clerify.

[quote]Undertow wrote:
I heard vitamin E helps… Donno if that has any merit? Someone else may be able to clerify.[/quote]

You mean, like the other big guys who have already written posts before you?

Stretch marks may FADE over time but they are SCARS. Keeping skin moisturized may reduce the appearance a little, but if there was truly some CURE for stretchmarks, not one pro bodybuilder would have them.

Well I’ve heard that Prep H applied liberally can help.

Yeah, stretch marks arent a bad thing. Just tan and they become less visible, at least in my experience. I have tried tons of methods and my lats look like i fought a bear, along with my shoulders and armpits. I dont think there is a fix, but i do think that if you are big enough noone will say shit about em.

Gotu kola(spelling??) is suppose to help.


i think for most of the guys who went up a lot in BW have stretch marks, I don’t have much on my legs, if I did…they have gone away from the most part then cause I can’t really see them. They will turn red more so for me sometimes…and sometitmes they are white and not as visible. lats and shoulders though definaetly take the win.

…Moisturizers are gay…

[quote]B.L.U. Ninja wrote:
…Moisturizers are gay…[/quote]

HEY! I take great offense from that! But uh… yeah. The ones on my legs haven’t gone away, but liberal lotioning up has made them less glaringly noticable (not red as a slapped baby’s bum). Or I could just be getting smaller, but that doesn’t really make much sense, lol. Of course, I’ve found all this out from the search function…