Hello T Nation
I need help with restructuring my workout plan. I am interested in powerbuilding. I want to become stronger, powerful, and explosive while also getting bigger. I already have good size but Im switching my priorities. I do want to include sledgehammers, farmer’s walks, battling ropes in there.
Ill provide some background to help show you more where I am coming from.
I borrowed some things from Elite Lifts 5x 5 and Westside Barbell. I am structing my workout based on Maximum Effort Days and Dynamic Effort days, however I replaced the very low reps in Maximum Effort Days of Westside Barbell with 5 x 5.
I included lateral raises and delt raises for aesthetic purposes. Maybe you can provide reasons to take these out.
It needs to be for a five day split. I have limited times on the weekends.
I guess I need help reducing the junk volume, reducing the amount of sets and I would like to include Farmer’s Walks, Sledgehammers, and Battle Ropes as a part of the workout instead of metabolic conditioning.
Any advice will be great. Also, feel free to restructure the workout how you would like as long as it helps with the goals of powerbuilding and developing explosivity.
The numbers on the side are the number of sets. the 5 will be 5 x 5. Others will be 8-12 on maximum effort days at least.
day 1: (Would be more in line to a Maximum Effort Day in Westside Barbell)
Landmine Push Press or Punch: 4-6 sets x 3-5 reps per side
trap bar deadlifts 5 x 5
leg extensions 2 sets of 25
pull ups 4
underhand lat pulldowns 2
Nordic leg curls or Romanian deadlift 2
calf raises 3
overhead tricep extensions 3
Captain’s Chair Raises: 3
rear delt flys 3
Landmine Archs/Half Kneeling Landmine Twist\Landmine Twist 3
trap bar shrugs 3
Day 2: (More in line with Dynamic Effort. Based around speed and explosivity)
Landmine Push Press or Punch: 4-6 sets x 3-5 reps per side.
decline bench press 5
incline bench press 3
shoulder press 5
trap bar rows 5
one arm rows 3
suitcase deadlifts 5
straight leg pull throughs 3
Captain’s Chair Raises: 3
Kneeling Cable Low to High Woodchop: 3 x 8-12-15 reps (heavy to feel it) (rest-drop) 2
Kneeling Cable High to Low Woodchop 3 x 8-12-15 (heavy to feel it) (rest-drop) 2
Day 3: (no sets for for these so far. I forgot about this day. Maybe you can recommend some.)
Landmine Push Press or Punch: 4-6 sets x 3-5 reps per side.
Rotational Trap Bar Eccentric Isometric Squat Hold
trap bar shrugs
barbell curls
hammer curls
straight leg pull throughs
Captain’s Chair Raises:
rear delt flys
Day 4: (Would be more in line to a Maximum Effort Day in Westside Barbell)
Landmine Push Press or Punch: 4-6 sets x 3-5 reps per side.
Trap Bar Deadlift 5
Trap Bar Squat Jumps 3
Landmine Squats or Leg Extensions 2
kettlebell swings 3
Nordic curls 2
calf jumps 3
pull ups 4
underhand lat pulldowns 2
overhead tricep extensions 3
Captain’s Chair Raises: 4 sets with rest pause 3
Landmine Archs/Half Kneeling Landmine Twist\Landmine Twist 3
Day 5: (More in line with Dynamic Effort. Based around speed and explosivity)
Landmine Push Press or Punch: 4-6 sets x 3-5 reps per side. 4
speed bench press 6 x 2
decline bench press 3
speed shoulder press/push press 6 x 2
lateral raises 3
straight leg pull throughs 3
trap bar rows 5
one arm rows 3
Captain’s Chair Raises: 3 sets
suitcase deadlifts 5 x 5
Kneeling Cable Low to High Woodchop: 2
Kneeling Cable High to Low Woodchop 2
trap bar shrugs 3
To conclude, this is based loosely based on Westside Barbell and 5 x 5. I know this is long to get through and Im asking for a lot of help but any help will be appreciated. Restructure it, add exercises, reps, it doesn’t matter. I trust you guys. You are very knowledgeable and I know you can help me.