Restructuring my Powerbuilding Program

Hello T Nation

I need help with restructuring my workout plan. I am interested in powerbuilding. I want to become stronger, powerful, and explosive while also getting bigger. I already have good size but Im switching my priorities. I do want to include sledgehammers, farmer’s walks, battling ropes in there.

Ill provide some background to help show you more where I am coming from.

I borrowed some things from Elite Lifts 5x 5 and Westside Barbell. I am structing my workout based on Maximum Effort Days and Dynamic Effort days, however I replaced the very low reps in Maximum Effort Days of Westside Barbell with 5 x 5.

I included lateral raises and delt raises for aesthetic purposes. Maybe you can provide reasons to take these out.

It needs to be for a five day split. I have limited times on the weekends.

I guess I need help reducing the junk volume, reducing the amount of sets and I would like to include Farmer’s Walks, Sledgehammers, and Battle Ropes as a part of the workout instead of metabolic conditioning.

Any advice will be great. Also, feel free to restructure the workout how you would like as long as it helps with the goals of powerbuilding and developing explosivity.

The numbers on the side are the number of sets. the 5 will be 5 x 5. Others will be 8-12 on maximum effort days at least.

day 1: (Would be more in line to a Maximum Effort Day in Westside Barbell)

Landmine Push Press or Punch: 4-6 sets x 3-5 reps per side

trap bar deadlifts 5 x 5

leg extensions 2 sets of 25

pull ups 4

underhand lat pulldowns 2

Nordic leg curls or Romanian deadlift 2

calf raises 3

overhead tricep extensions 3

Captain’s Chair Raises: 3

rear delt flys 3

Landmine Archs/Half Kneeling Landmine Twist\Landmine Twist 3

trap bar shrugs 3

Day 2: (More in line with Dynamic Effort. Based around speed and explosivity)

Landmine Push Press or Punch: 4-6 sets x 3-5 reps per side.

decline bench press 5

incline bench press 3

shoulder press 5

trap bar rows 5

one arm rows 3

suitcase deadlifts 5

straight leg pull throughs 3

Captain’s Chair Raises: 3

Kneeling Cable Low to High Woodchop: 3 x 8-12-15 reps (heavy to feel it) (rest-drop) 2

Kneeling Cable High to Low Woodchop 3 x 8-12-15 (heavy to feel it) (rest-drop) 2

Day 3: (no sets for for these so far. I forgot about this day. Maybe you can recommend some.)

Landmine Push Press or Punch: 4-6 sets x 3-5 reps per side.

Rotational Trap Bar Eccentric Isometric Squat Hold

trap bar shrugs

barbell curls

hammer curls

straight leg pull throughs

Captain’s Chair Raises:

rear delt flys

Day 4: (Would be more in line to a Maximum Effort Day in Westside Barbell)

Landmine Push Press or Punch: 4-6 sets x 3-5 reps per side.

Trap Bar Deadlift 5

Trap Bar Squat Jumps 3

Landmine Squats or Leg Extensions 2

kettlebell swings 3

Nordic curls 2

calf jumps 3

pull ups 4

underhand lat pulldowns 2

overhead tricep extensions 3

Captain’s Chair Raises: 4 sets with rest pause 3

Landmine Archs/Half Kneeling Landmine Twist\Landmine Twist 3

Day 5: (More in line with Dynamic Effort. Based around speed and explosivity)

Landmine Push Press or Punch: 4-6 sets x 3-5 reps per side. 4

speed bench press 6 x 2

decline bench press 3

speed shoulder press/push press 6 x 2

lateral raises 3

straight leg pull throughs 3

trap bar rows 5

one arm rows 3

Captain’s Chair Raises: 3 sets

suitcase deadlifts 5 x 5

Kneeling Cable Low to High Woodchop: 2

Kneeling Cable High to Low Woodchop 2

trap bar shrugs 3

To conclude, this is based loosely based on Westside Barbell and 5 x 5. I know this is long to get through and Im asking for a lot of help but any help will be appreciated. Restructure it, add exercises, reps, it doesn’t matter. I trust you guys. You are very knowledgeable and I know you can help me.

Just a question, Have you read any of the Westside books or anything written by the guys that came out of that crew?

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I didnt read their books. I read their articles on the Internet and saw some videos so I dont have all of the knowledge. I like their ideas of Maximum Effort Days and Dynamic Effort Days so I tried to apply it. I change the reps and sets on Maximum Effort Days because from other research I have done, the 5 x 5 is better for mass and strength and less neurologically demanding and the 2-3 reps are better suited for maximizing strength before a competition but Im not competing so I figured it doesnt apply.

Typically, from what I’ve seen on the blog and in the Book of Methods, they will keep the traditional max effort work in and switch up the dynamic work to something like 5x5 or something similar. The proram you made above seems to do the opposite and spread you then over a lot of movements. If Westside was what you wanted to run, I’d go to @StormTheBeach westside thread, get the books, and read the blog. Elite FTS has some beginner conjugate stuff and Brian Alshure has some conjugate programs that look interesting.
Just my 2 cents though

Conjugate is one of those things where someone could spoon feed you everything at first but eventually you have to learn what works for you. Matt Wenning has talked about using 3rms and 5rms instead of 1rms on max effort days.

Alpha destiny has made a couple videos on conjugate and what he does. Basically if you want to run conjugate you will need a lot of research and a template designed by someone who knows what they are doing

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OP if you are looking for a conjugate Powerbuilding program search The Google Machine for “The Optimal Powerbuilding Split” by Ben Pollack.

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Okay, I see what you mean. I thought I would swap out the Maximum Effort to 5 x 5 because I read Christian Thibaudeau that what the type of training done on maximum effort days are better suited for maximizing the strength you already have before a competition and the drain that comes with 10 x 2 is not worth the effort. So I thought it was better to do 5 x 5.
Why 5 x 5 for dynamic effort?
I like the idea of doing the speed work because it is more in line with compensatory acceleration training (CAT) You think that 5 x 5 can be tantamount to CAT?
Yeah, this is a lot of work, a lot of movements and Im having trouble with that. What do you think I should do about it because a lot of it is essential but I dont know how to cut down.
Im currently looking into the other material you have suggested.

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I am going to be looking more into it, thanks for the response.

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Just got through from the site, its pretty good. Very simple. Im seeing how I can use the information currently.

Thanks for the video. I will be looking into it soon.

Or alternatively, the guide I use with my athletes:

ME Lower

  1. Warm up however you like
  2. Jump or power clean: 2-5 x 2-5
  3. ME Variation: Change every week, cycling between 5RM, 3RM and 1-2RM
  4. Bilateral hinge: 3-5 x 6-12
  5. Lunge, split squat or step-up: 2-4 x 5-10
  6. 1-3 Core, carry or single joint exercises

DE Upper

  1. Warm up however you like
  2. Throw or power snatch: 2-5 x 2-5
  3. DE Variation: 6-12 x 2-3 @ 60-80%
  4. Upper pull: 3-5 x 6-12
  5. Upper push: 3-5 x 6-12
  6. 2-4 core or single joint exercises

DE Lower

  1. Warm up however you like
  2. Jump or power clean: 2-5 x 2-5
  3. DE Variation: 6-12 x 2-3 @ 60-80%
  4. Machine squat: 2-4 x 8-15
  5. Unilateral Hinge: 2-4 x 6-10
  6. 1-3 Core, carry or single joint exercises

ME Upper

  1. Warm up however you like
  2. Throw or power snatch: 2-5 x 2-5
  3. ME Variation: Change every week, cycling between 5RM, 3RM and 1-2RM
  4. Upper pull: 3-5 x 6-12
  5. Upper push: 3-5 x 6-12
  6. 2-4 core or single joint exercises

Example of max effort rotations:

  • Week 1 ME Lower: 5RM front squat
  • Week 1 ME Upper: 3RM incline bench
  • Week 2 ME Lower: 2RM trap bar deadlift
  • Week 2 ME Upper: 5RM close grip bench
  • Week 3 ME Lower: 3RM box squat
  • Week 3 ME Upper: 2RM pin press


If you don’t feel like rotating the max effort lifts, work up to your rep max number at an RPE 8.5-9, and then do 2-3 back-down sets of the same number of reps at 85-90% of the top set


Louie Simmons is a hell of a lot smaller than I am. That’s what he and his crew suggested after getting a visit from Shieko. The % is kept the same but instead of 10x2 or whatever 5x5 is used. Typically it’s waved and what not. Pretty sure I read that if your rep speed is the same 5x5 will work.

5x5 will not work as max effort just because if it’s true max effort, it can only be done for one set. The point of the max effort and dynamic work is to train both side of the speed-strength spectrum

@j4gga2 is the post to look at with the periodization bible. When picking accessories or any lift for that matter, remember one of the corner stones of conjugate is to attack your weak points.

This is going to be a super valuable resource

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Thanks. Im going to look into this.
Do you think its better to do back-down sets or just a new exercise for hypertrophy? Back off sets can help reduce the volume of my workouts but Im willing to keep the volume if it means it will lead to more muscle growth.
I like the Olympic Lifts and Id love to get into them but I need to get trained by somebody who has experience but the technical requirements makes it very dangerous to do as a novice in them.

Thanks. I will check it out.

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I guess to clarify, Im not interested in doing true max effort because it doesnt have much gains in hypertrophy. I know its good for strength though. However 5 x 5 is good for both strength and size. Thats why I thought it could be a better alternative.
What do you think of this quote from Tom Sheppard:
“Yes, when preparing for a test or competition one would train in a lower rep range (1-3) but this is because we are trying to maximize neurological adaptations to peak at a certain point. But in reality we are not building strength at this point, we learning to display the potential we have already built with our previous work; big difference.”
Im not trying to be combative but Im just trying to offer an outlook as to why I structured my workout the way I did.

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Hey man all good. I get what you are saying. I interpreted it has “I want to run westside with these changes” basically

If you consider yourself a “novice” and are thinking to run conjugate but without max effort I think you may be better off trying something else. Conjugate without Max Effort and modifying Dynamic Effort to be different than the OG seems like a bad place to start from.

I can see the reasoning of dropping DE in place of 5x5 or something like that, and you can find many examples of that sort of thing online, but to trade ME for 5x5 seems like a deal breaker to me. Sure 5RM and 3RM work rotated in place of true 1RM ME makes sense but 5x5 is far different on intent if you ask me and can’t really even call it Max Effort at that point.

Maybe take a look at 5/3/1 or something along those lines.

Or maybe I am just completely not following this sub well enough and am way off base here. If that’s the case feel free to ignore this post.

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Yeah I think thats where the confusion is. I did a bad job in clarifying stuff. I quickly wrote things down and I didnt want to be too wordy. I basically want to develop strength and size. I originally was going to use CAT with 5 x 5 on the same day but it will be impractical so I saw Westside Barbell’s workouts and they produce great results. I looked into them, saw their blogs, their videos (of performances), and some other things and I liked the structure of Max Effort Days and Dynamic Effort Days. So I thought maybe I can take some stuff from 5 x 5 and CAT and put it in the Westside Barbell Structure. The other exercises I chose are too help the main lifts. Its just it has a lot of volume. I also have a lot of lagging muscles, particularly my abs, lower back, and lats, legs, and shoulders to a certain extent.