Should i ramp or use a pyramid rep scheme? Usually i do a reverse pyramid so i start with the heaviest weight so i can go to failure everytime, but recently hear that ramping or using a pyramid rep scheme on your working sets stimulates more muscle growth. I figured going heavy on my first set would be best since i go to failure everytime, but with ramping i see guys pro bodybuilders stopping short 3-4 reps before failure for there first 2-3 sets, the last set of each exercise is the only time they really push themselves to failure or positive failure…
Seen this kind of training in Ronnie colemans and phil heaths vids, i always thought training until you can’t lift anymore reps every set is what builds muscle, as arnold said it’s the last rep that builds the muscle, not the first 8. Guess ive been doing it all wrong all these years.
Recently started this push pull routine i found on, i’m liking it’s set up so far, i’m just lost as to what type of rep scheme i should use since ive been doing the reverse pyramid for so many years, if you could give me an example of how i should ramp these sets and what Percentage of my 1rep max i should use while ramping, or if i should use a pyramid type rep scheme that would help alot.
I’ll just post one of the push workouts and use the rep scheme on the other days. Thanks
My main goal right now is size. Getting in around 400g of protein a day.
Bench presse 3x10
Incline dumbbell press 3 x 10
Military presses 3 x 10
Upright rows 3 x 10
Barbell shrugs 3 x 10
Pushdowns 3 x 10
Lying extensions 3 x 12
Standing calf raises 3 x 12
Seated calf raises 3 x 12-15