Guys, I havent posted in a while - PC has been bust and funds have been tight. I have been following the renegade football programme with a ridiculous degree of sucess. I now have one problem, I have been eating ridiculously cleanly - but the old BF has gotten a little too high. Now I dont want to be a fatbody - and I want to keep my lean mass, as well as improve strength and speed as at the moment. I cant deviate from my weight/cardio programme - the help I need with is diet. My background is bodybuilding so have played with diet before. Im unsure of what to do. I respond quite badly to carbs and they seem to get me fatter quicker, keto works well - but never know what %'s of fat to protein are optimal, t-dawg was okay, but i felt odd at weekends(carb up). I was perhaps thinking 1steroid dieting1 - but I have 6 weeks 4ad-ec at my disposal?! Please any diet help would be greatly appreciated - especially coach davies - youve already given me loads of advice - but im 235+ now, and need to help shed some pounds quick(4-6 weeks).
I got the willpower not to cheat so im not worried how extreme, I have to make the team in october so I’ll do anything! Thanks in advance for all your help guys
This is the first time I’ve ever heard of anyone actually gaining bodyfat doing Renegade training. You must be eating an insanely high amount of calories. Care to share your current diet specifics?
Kelly - sorry for the late reply(UK here), my diet is pretty hefty - heres as it stands;
(I train am and pm)
Breakfast - 150 grams oats, 2 pints milk + 2 scoops whey
sprint training - bcaas; glutamine, 40g carb blend
after - whey gain shake(120c+60P+8f)
mid morning - 2 tins tuna, pasta, sauce, fruit
lunch - steak, potatoes, veg
mid afternoon - 3 chicken breast, 6 slices wholemeal bread
train - bcaas; glutamine, 40g carb blend
after - whey gain shake(120c+60P+8f)
mid evening - 8 eggs scrambled
late evening - 1.5lbs cottage cheese blended with no-sugar angel delight
4am - protein shake
i know im keeping my intensity high - weight keeps going up (bar and body!), I have a friend who I let use my home gym, who as his ‘fee’ for using my equipment pushes me to the limit when I train, and he uses it after. Im definitely not fat per se - just a little thick and to be honest I cant even find jeans to fit(im having to shop in skate/surf shops to get them baggy enough for my thighs!)
I just need to lose some lbs quickly(say 15 or so in a month?), as I want to hit the final ‘peaking’ phase with plenty of nutrients, fully recovered and raring to go - also if I lean out I can continue gaining QUALITY weight frather than just bodyweight. and the weight drop will help my shin splints too(theyre on the mend).Any help much apreciated Kelly - you know your stuff when it comes to this so thanks for chipping in!
I would ditch the mik, bread, pasta and potatoes for starters, especially if you have problems with carbs. 5X5 training may be something to consider for your workout. It is designed to get you lean and keep you big and strong.
Thanks guys - Ko - I cant change my training at the moment, its going too well! I know your the man for food and such like so any ‘hardcore’ suggestions wouldnt go amiss. Coach - as always; greatly appreciate your help, my lycos email is working fine now!
If you have been gaining weight on the insanity (mean it in a good way) of renegade training, catalog your diet and submit it. There are a few (man I hate 'em) here that insist they eat anythign and everything and can’t gain a pound. Submit your successes please, I’d love to hear about them.
Ed - I just want to make sure that readers are confused with my diet concept for Dannyboy as adaptable to their needs. As many know, who have talked with me about diet - I probably take a harder line stance in this area that others. I will be pleased to discuss our approach if you wish but it might be best if you give me more information on your needs. In faith, Coach Davies
Coach Im using the renegade rugby program l1p1, with added tumbles that I learned from your football book, and with added sledgehammer work and wheelbarrow walks, and a few small modifications.
My diet consists of:
Can Tuna
2 Tblespoons Salsa
1/2 cup oats
mid workout
half scoop protein
1 Tble honey
post workout
scoop protein
2 cup milk
2 fruits
30 mins later
1/2 cup oats
can beans
2 cup milk
Dinner chicken breast
tons of vegetables
pre bed
4 eggs whole
large vegetable salad
around 9 liters of water per day.
I also take 15g glutamine and 5g creatine post wo, and take 500mg vit C, 2 vit E pills, one beta carotine pill, and a multivitamin.
I was eating less carbs, but after getting rather cut (for me)I am trying to maintain or increase muscle. However as a young teen I stuffed myself for sports and got pretty fat 230lbs at 5’9, so when I increase cals too much I tend to get fat. Any suggestions, I dont want to put on any lard, but would really like to add a couple lbs. I am 7 weeks from the season. Should I be spreading my veges all day?
Thanks, Rugby Ed
One more thing, what do you think of relaxing teh diet over the weekend, ie fri or sat. As a rugger I love BBQ and cold beer as much as anyone. Is one cheat day a week going to hurt my progress?
Ed, I think I have your email address (correct me if I am wrong though) and will send some suggestions after I review it. But I wanted to comment regarding cheating, simply if you want to cheat yourself do so only if you are satisfied with your development. I know that sounds like a hardline stance but stay relentless and avoid cheating until you stand on the podium looking down at everyone else. Then celebrate. In faith, Coach Davies
Alright mate. I’m currently doing the MMA renegade program although have had to put it on hold due to aquiring shin splits also. What did you do with yours in order to rehab them? Cheers mate, Chris.
hey chris - nice to hear from another UK renegade madman! My shin splint got to be an absolute bi*ch! I had the following plan:
1 - get yourself in the yellow pages, and find a specialist running store. Find one with adidas adiscan(foot scanner). You run over it and it shows the pressure points and if you are running correctly. I overpronate; and then get them to fit some supports and possible orthotics. Buy new trainers - they wont be stylish and will have a monster sol, but and the weight i am now - my joints just cant take that pounding as to when I was lighter.
2 - Do all gpp on a sprung wooden, or watered grass surface - this helps!
3 - prior to sprint jog for 5 mins, real slow, and stretch your calfs and shins for 5 mins.
4 - make sure you dont ‘slap’ your foot down as you run, its bad form and shows a weakness - practice control(think when you run - it becomes natural!)
5 - the fun part, and the fixing is after the workout!
1 - as soon as you get in, I used to single leg standing calf raises, followed by toe lifts. You will need to be barefoot or have sports socks on. Get a thick fluffy towel, thread it through a olympic weight(start with 5kg), tie a know in it, sit on something so your feet dangle - and hang the towel on the end of your toes - do 20 on calf raise, 20 on 20 raise - 3 sets. Do stretches in between sets - 30 secs calf, 30 secs shin(for shin I find standing quad stretches, holding the toe - works well, as does sitting on your shins)
2 - sit but against the wall, fit straight up and let the lactic acis drain, wait till you get mild pins and needles.
3 - get 4 gel packs, 4 short bandages and your socks. Tuck one end of the pack into the sock, and tie bandages on the middle and top of the packs. Have one pack on the shin, one on the calf. Pull your socks up. This will allow you to do stuff whilst you ice them. Try for 15-20 mins.
4 - get some iboprofen gel - rub it on the shin. Do it every day.
5 - get some rubber tubing and gently strectch your calf and shin a few times throughout the day - as and when.
In summary - they are an absolute pain, and this has pretty much fixed them in 10 days. Its a pain - but it does work. I got alot of info off here and the web, as well as from a doctor friend. Key tips are strect, weighted toe raies and ice - good luck squire!
Jay - my diet is above - I have the breakdown here of macro nutrients somwhere. From memory, I get down around 4500 cals; getting around 120 grams fat(30 omega), around 500 grams of carbs and 400 grams of protein. Every cal is as clean as humanly possible. Same every day - I havent missed a meal in 4 months, havent got my minimum cals this year. When I go out I either take with me or make a simliar substitute. Havent drunk since I started, 1 cheat meal a week consisiting of either BK, KFX or Pizzahut! Thats it - 8-10 pints water a day, 2 multi-vitamins, ZMA, probiotics. All this is bought bulk and on a shoestring(not working for a while - on purpose!). I simply work aout what cals I need, divide up the percentage - and find 5/6 meals I like(or can stomach). And eat them every day, day in day out. For 3 weeks I ate when I wasnt hungry, I often felt pretty sick(sorry), but I had to physically force myslef to adapt. I was lazy until I thought nd acted like this - now its no problem, same time, every day…man I sound exciting! But Im not going to let someone else take my place, so needs must…
I too am a rugger, I am considering Coach Davies program, do you recommend it? I’m not afraid of hard work, I pride myself on being one of the best conditioned players on the pitch. -Peace
Coach - I havent got the diet yet - im not sure if my emails working - would you be able to re-send it to my hotmail address(same start as other, but
Where/what leval do you play at? His program is awesome but BRUTAL. I started pieces during winter practice and spring season, but am now going full blown with it. I can honestly say that if you FORGET THE WORD OVERTRAINING, and find the challenege in doing the ridiculusly tough again and again that it is beyond a doubt the best rugby program available anywhere. It will kill you, or you will kill it.
We began his incorperating his methods of training last summer/fall and it completely changed our(mine and my brothers) body type and performance. I hook and I went from protector of the blind side, to running down backs and becoming a playmaker.
Before you invest in it realize that the best program without constant hard work, correct nutrition, and proper sleep wont succeed. Contact him you wont regret it.