Red Dots Under Eyes

Long story short, I ate some bad food and threw up. Afterwards I felt my eyes were swollen when I looked in the mirrror I saw that I had a few red dots on my eyes and under my right eye it looks like some gave me a hickey is this normal. I have not thrown up in about 10 yrs and do not remember this.

It is petechial hemorrhaging. I have gotten it from dry heaves and heavy lifting.

uote: A petechial hemorrhage is a form of mild hemorrhage which causes distinctive markings known as petechiae. These markings take the form of small red to purple spots which can vary in size and distribution from a few tiny markings to an array which may look like a rash or abrasion. Petechiae can be caused by a variety of situations and conditions. They go away pretty quickly.

I get the same thing from heavy lifting and puking - I think it’s from breaking the blood vessels in my face and neck from both activities. Deadlifting and tequila FTW!

Thanks I have been looking into it at it seems what made it worse was that I have been taking Ibuprofen so my blood may have been thinner than normal.

Quick question would it be ok to resume training the day after, or would it be best to wait a few days?

[quote]xXSeraphimXx wrote:
Thanks I have been looking into it at it seems what made it worse was that I have been taking Ibuprofen so my blood may have been thinner than normal.

Quick question would it be ok to resume training the day after, or would it be best to wait a few days?[/quote]

To me, I don’t really even notice when I get them any more. I’m more likely to have my boyfriend point out my pink freckles. I wouldn’t let it slow me down any more than a bruise would. That’s kind of what they are.

[quote]ouroboro_s wrote:
It is petechial hemorrhaging. I have gotten it from dry heaves and heavy lifting.

uote: A petechial hemorrhage is a form of mild hemorrhage which causes distinctive markings known as petechiae. These markings take the form of small red to purple spots which can vary in size and distribution from a few tiny markings to an array which may look like a rash or abrasion. Petechiae can be caused by a variety of situations and conditions. They go away pretty quickly.[/quote]

I have this same issue if I dead lift heavy or have a violent puking episode. Little red pin pricks around my eyes and face. They have never been an issue or caused any complications and do go away quickly. I don’t think there is any reason to stop your activities.

So, it has been 17 days since this happened and while my eye lids have healed I still have some red dots on my eyes. Is it normal for them to take this long to heal? I was told that they are gone within 10 days. I would hate for this to be permanent.

Who cares! Red Dots under the eyes sucks!


I have this happen when I puke pretty often. I’ve also had it happen from using an inversion table. I think some people just are more susceptible to it. I’ve also had the stomach flu and puked so hard I burst a blood vessel in my eye. The bottom half of the white of my eye was red for a month. Fun times!

Happens to me every time I puke.

Yes, but how long should these bursted eye vessels last is 17 days to long?

[quote]xXSeraphimXx wrote:
Yes, but how long should these bursted eye vessels last is 17 days to long?[/quote]