Call me crazy, but I have been blending raw oatmeal with my protein source to make some of my shakes. Do oats have to be cooked in order for them to be digested or do they have about the same nutritional content raw as they do cooked?
I assume your referring to rolled oats in which case they are already cooked to a certain extent.I’ve been blending my oats for several years without consequence.
I used to do the same thing too. It’s a pretty convenient meal. I don’t think they need to be cooked for them to be digested.
Hey, fellas. I once read where this may raise the glycemic index of the food, if it is emulsified into smaller particles. I belive I got it off Mendoza’s Glycemic Index site. I’ll check on it and get back.
Hey, guys…I just pulled this off of Rick Mendosa’s GI website:
“A 1992 study by Hermansen et al. reported that the GI for under-ripe bananas was 43 and that for over-ripe bananas was 74. In under-ripe bananas the starch constitutes 80-90 percent of the carbohydrate content, which as the banana ripens changes to free sugars. Particle size is also an important factor, according to a 1988 study by Heaton et al. The researchers found that the GI of wheat, maize, and oats increased from whole grains (lowest GI), cracked grains, coarse flour, to fine flour (highest GI).”
Just thought it might be of interest.
I remember Dr.Gabe Merkin(radio talkshow host)would always mention particle size in reference to various grain forms but it didn’t make much sense to me for the reason that i chew my food almost as good as any blender.
You’re not crazy.A lot of bodybuilders do that!
Raw oatmeal actually has a higher GI compared to cooked.
Hello (I think that was your name) are you sure about the GI being higher in uncooked. Last year in a university subject Gastrointestinal medicine and Nutrition we only ever talked about cooking raising the GI not lowering it.
Even if it is right I think everyone one is taking the GI thing way way too far. While Berardi is right with his post workout meals needing a high GI or more importantly insulin index I believe that worrying about the GI of every food is unecasery and pedantic. YOu need a High GI post workout meal but other than that dont stress too much. unless youve got diabetes.
I throw some dry oatmeal in a tupperware bowl with a muoplex, or nytro-pro 40, or maybe a Grow! add hald the amount of water, and its a chocolate/ oatmeal pudding.
According to my source uncooked oatmeal has
a GI of 90 VS. 68 cooked.(remember that pure
glucose is 100 so that is very fast!)
Apparently the fibers in oatmeal are “forced”
out of the flakes when cooked thus slowing
gastric emptying.
Brooklyn Mike…I used to do the same damn thing! That’s one helluva treat, no? I think I got that lil’ recipe from AST. If you like that kind of pudding thing, you should try mixing a cup and a half of cottage cheese and a scoop of GROW (or the equivalent 1/3 packet of Nytro-Pro, GROW or Myoplex). It’s really good.
Yeah Timbo, right on. One of those guys does it. I got the pudding idea from Skip La Cours video. It’s delicious! Also, I picked up from his video to nuke a bag of veggies with 12 egg whites. Then throw some olive oil and hot sauce on it. Its awesome!
The cottage cheese thing I tried with myoplex, and I couldn’t get into it. First I tried a pudding with it, then I tried it in the blender. It just makes it sour tasting to me. And I see a lot of guys on here add like a million things to their shakes- especially the post workout shake. I like minimal prep though. For my cottage cheese- crushed pinapple, or light syrup peach- just enough to taste. For my post workout drink 3 scoops creatine HSC, around 1 3/4 scoops VP2, and I’m good.
One thing I wanna try though is the concotion someone mentioned earlier about putting fake butter spray and cinnamon on oatmeal. I’ve been using just Equal all this time. I think that has great potential.
B-Boy Mike, the wonderful things ya can mix up! I have to try the veggie/egg white combo. I mentioned the oatmeal deal you’re talking about: nuke the oats, spray on some butter, sprinkle on some ground cinnamon and some Splenda/Equal, I also like to add some maple flavoring extract (tastes like syrup), and then stir it up. I usually top it off with some spray butter and some more sweetner, damn tasty, baby! Another Mypolex/MRP pudding I used to like was mixing it up with ~8 oz. agua and dumping in a half cup or so of regular Cheerios.
Timbo, what kinda fake butter spray? I’m gonna go buy it tonight. How about Parkay spray?
You’re crazy.
B-Boy Mike, you can go with either the Parkay Spray or the I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter. Both of them are totally calorie free and add some great flavor. The maple extract can be found in the spices aisle. Happy grubbin’, bro.
Timbo, good shit man. Had two big ass bowls with Can’t believe its not butter, cinnamon, and some equal. delicious. One thing about my oatmeal is I make it almost dry. I put just enough water in to wet the oats, then I nuke it. Its so dry I can take it out of the bowl and it it like a sandwich- literally.
B-Boy Mike, I feel like I’m talking to myself, bro. I mean, that is exactly the way I eat my oats. If I can even stir 'em up, that’s too much agua! The puddings, the oats, all these little things, I thought I was the only knucklehead. I’ve probably got some other goodies that you might like to test drive. I’ll see what I can come up with. I’d like to hear any others that you like. You really need to try some of that maple extract.
timbo and b-boy thats the exact same ingredients to my oatmeal…damn. I used to do it up with sugar free jelly too…got to be too much after a while… i like it like this now
Timbo, just had 2 more massive bowls of oatmeal with that stuff. I bought a new box of equal yesterday, and my mother see’s it in the cabinet. She say’s don’t eat equal, it kills your brain cells!. lol. I love it when people who have no idea, play scientist. When I first bought creatine, she said it would give me cancer, or it was a steroid.
Anyway, as far as my eating goes, I like to keep it minimal. I learned that from Skip La Cour. I figure, I’m gonna eat so many times in the day, make it quick and easy. So I don’t have many alternate foods. I eat basically the same shit every day. I’ll have oatmeal and 2 scoops prolab whey peach flavor in about 2 oz. water like a shot. Then I’ll workout and have the PW drink, then a big as tub of cottage cheese with some pinapple. Then a dozen egg whites with a bag of vege’s and olive oil and hot sauce. Then 2 big slabs grilled chicken w/ olive oil and hot sauce. Sometimes Tuna. And thats about it. The rest of the meals are those foods, with the occasional grow! thrown in.