He’s great at calling moves during rolls, advising during the roll what to do when struggling etc. So him not rolling = more coaching across each pair of people.
12.08.2024 (5.45am fasted session)
Box jumps x 6
Ankle mobility work/hip aeroplanes
16kg KB goblet 3 x 10second holds
Bar x 10
40kg x 8
60 x 10
70 x 10, 10 - belt on
+12.5kg DB x 8, 9, 10 (L/R)
Seated leg curl
+33kg x 12, 12, 12
-bed almost won out over gym…
-great weekend with some warmer weather coming through. Hit the beach with family, sandcastles then some icecream after lunch. Managed 11k steps, first time over 10k since picking up that flu a few weeks ago. Appetite finally starting to return too. Trending upward.
-Mowed lawns yest, bike ride with junior, cooked up a batch of meatballs 2/3 roo, 1/3 beef with plenty of home grown veg blended up and mixed in (went a bit heavy on the greens - lesson learnt on flavour but easy way to boost the veg count @QuadQueen @T3hPwnisher ). Cooked some in air fryer, some on tray. Playing around with a few different methods. No after shot but plenty in the freezer for snacks.
Some of the crop:
Vege patch at end of winter:
All those veggies!! I LOVE it!! Veggies in meatballs = #ProLevel and they help keep em’ juicy too!
I’m also super glad to hear that you’re starting to feel back to normal. I’m gonna credit the veggies there.
Swap those greens for some eggs and you got my attention, haha. Good on you getting after it dude!
I had a few eggs in there too to help bind it all! Cheers mate.
Those meat balls looked really good to me! Glad you are able to have a veggie garden. We would love to but our backyard is in the shade most of the day…
Randomness (work gym)
13.08.2024 (1pm session)
Arnold presses
10kg DB’s 4 x 10
RDL’s 3 x 12
22.5kg DB Rows 4 x 12
17.5kg DB’s Bench 3 x 10
Shoulder cable rotation
3 x 8 (L/R)
Rear delts
5kg DB’s 2 x 15
-bit of movement whilst still in business shirt and pants. Corporate workout? Need to start bringing in some gym clothes to work.
-the vege patch needs more attention alas low on the priority list @TM79 but great to plant things in there with junior so she can appreciate hopefully that not all food magically appears on a supermarket shelf!
-meatballs in lunch today, leftovers. tasty.
randomness (BJJ)
14.08.2024 (6am morning session)
BJJ 1hr, training (al levels class).
-Back escapes, making space and getting elbow to the ground.
-Rolled twice, only tapped once vs J, so that’s a bonus, escaped a few precarious positions too. 2nd roll fairly even vs Liv. Then a bit of closed guard escape work with N who’s nursing a rib so just technical practice.
-good session
Randomness (gym)
15.087.2024 (5.45am fasted session)
Mobility, warmup
24kg KB Swings x 10
Lat engagement band work x 10
Vertical jumps x 6
Hex Deadlifts
bar x 10
60kg x 8
80 x 8, 8, 8, 8 -belt on
27.5kg DB’s x 8, 8, 8
DB Rows
27.5kg DB’s x 6, 8, 8
Shoulder external rotation work - light cable
5 x 8-10 (L/R)
-resting HR60
-plenty of sore spots still post squats earlier in the week
randomness (BJJ)
16.08.2024 (6am morning session)
BJJ 1hr, training (al levels class).
-First introduction to Z guard (half guard with knee up protecting space
-Rolled thrice, better calmer control against all except J who got me a number of times to tap.
-quality session
-edit, resting HR59 (below 60 again FINALLY!)
Randomness (gym)
17.08.2024 (6.45am fasted session)
Mobility, warmup
Plyo pushups x 8
BPA’s x 20
baar x 15
40kg x 10
50 x 8, 8, 8, 8
Seated cable rows
+40kg x 15
+60 x 10, 9, 9, 8
Seated curls 7.5kg DB’s x 10, 9, 8, 8
Overhead tri ext 15kg DB x 12, 12, 12, 10
Seated hammer curls x 8, 8, 8, 8+4rp
Rope cable tri ext x 10, 12, 15, 12
Elbow prehab work 2 x 12
-higher rep bench then vanity arms, by gum it’s been a while.
Sunday - yardio, trimming back two of our street fronting trees. More lower branches need trimming still. Nice to get some outside time in the fresh air.
19.08.2024 (Noon pre-lunch session)
Box jumps x nil
Ankle mobility work/hip aeroplanes
16kg KB goblet 3 x 10second holds
Bar x 10
40kg x 8
60 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Pullups x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (edit forgot to log)
+twin 10kg DB’s x 6, 6, 6 (L/R)
Leg press
+1.5PSS (+75kg)
x 10, 10, 10
-bed won out over gym this morning, but all good as finally had a proper session at the work gym. Will have to get some snaps at stage to share here.
-struggled to get back up the stairs to the desk after that
-squatted in my runners for the first time in eons, usually in socks at my normal gym.
Randomness (work gym)
20.08.2024 (12.30pm pre lunch session)
5mins bike warmup
Landmine +50kg row 3 x 6-8
Arnold presses
10kg DB’s 3 x 10
Rear delts
7.5kg DB’s 3 x 15
7.5kg DB’s 3 x 10-12
Face pulls 3 x 15-20
BTN pulldowns 2 x 10 (edit forgot to log)
-With 4x people in the gym it limits the space but can easily see this being my go to, and ditching my local gym ($20 a week savings too).
-resting HR57 - lowest it’s been in ages, woot!
Nice one on the HR, I noticed you’ve been aiming to lower it for a while. Well done
randomness (BJJ)
21.08.2024 (6am morning session)
BJJ 1hr, training (al levels class).
-Double leg shots, transitioning to back, or taking the legs. Muchly required to build my base.
-Just the three of use today, so rolled twice, only tapped once with J. Held my own a lot better, went for the legs a few times too instead of just defending his long reach. 2nd roll with Liv great, evenly matched, got out of close guard a few times, almost nailed a darce choke on her, had probably the better of the roll as was never in trouble when on the defence. Fun challenge of being the smallest lightest (oldest) guy in the group continues!
-another enjoyable/quality session
-resting HR57 (finally over a number of colds, flu’s bugs etc @amaeland - I reckon that was the main culprit in previous months!)
Randomness (gym)
22.08.2024 (12.30 pre lunch session)
Mobility, warmup
Lat engagement band work x 10
Hex Deadlifts
bar x 8
74kg x 5
94 x 5, 5, 5
DB Rows
25kg DB’s x 12, 12, 12, 12, 14 (50r)
10kg DB’s x 8, 8, 8
Lat pulldowns - supp grip
2 x 12
-resting HR57
-work hex bar is a weird one like @simo74 circa 34kg? living in the future but lifting in weird weights…
-finally worked out the music system too, ditch that crappy house dance sh!t, and got some foo fighters hammering.
I’ve been wondering about if hex bars have a standard weight. 32 kg seems fairly common, but maybe not so much that it’s a standard?