I’ve lived in NC for most of my life. During my younger years, I competed in track (distance) and swimming. I started weight training in college and kept it up for a long time until a bad shoulder dislocation put a stop to it. I then picked up surfing, which is still my favorite thing to do. After getting married back in 2009, we moved inland to find better careers. I was then forced to pick up the barbell again as a way to exercise. I stumbled into Crossfit back in 2014 and spent about 6, injury-filled months doing it before giving it up. I then pursued a more structured powerlifting program and was coached for about three years on the big three lifts. I worked up to some fairly respectable maxes as follows: (Squat: 1x315, Bench: 1x255, Deadlift: 1x425). Shortly after putting up those numbers, my lower back, knees, foot and other body parts just stopped tolerating it, so I retreated back to more manageable weights and have more or less been doing a maintenance program for the last several years. For conditioning, I incorporate metcons (crossfit style workouts), running, swimming, biking, stairs, skateboarding, etc. I try to do a variety of conditioning workouts to keep it fun and interesting. One of my favorite customs is to do “Murph” or some variation of it on Memorial Day weekend. Last year I did “Double Murph” and ended up completing it in 1:12:01 To me, that was the most impressive athletic feat of my life and I pretty much vowed to not do another metcon like that as it nearly killed me working up to it for a few months beforehand. Below, I will list some of my all time PR weights/times:
Squat: 1x315
Bench: 1x255
Deadlift: 1x425
Murph: 29:43
Double Murph: 1:12:01
Cindy: 29 Rounds
Running (Post teenage years)
1 Mile: 6:35
5 Miles: 39:44
5K: 22:05
10K: 49:49
15K: 1:23:36
13.1 Miles (Half Marathon): 2:03:00