Paul Carter's Base Building Results

39 year old, 5’10", 235 lbs.

Did base building for 3 months. I had a busy month after that, so did something a bit more stripped down for a few weeks.

Yoke Bar Squat = 385lbs. Not a good day. Used 405 for calcs.
Bench = 315lbs. Couple months of benching after a long layoff, shoulder issues.
Deadlift = 475lbs. PR
OHP = 195lbs. Couple months of OHP after a long layoff, shoulder issues.

Yoke Bar Squat = 425lbs. PR
Bench = 335lbs. PR I’ve hit a few times over the years.
Deadlift = 495lbs. PR
OHP = 225lbs. PR

I’m into a Strong15 inspired template now. I was going to run that before testing maxes, but thought I would see what just the base building added.

I liked the program. I didn’t feel beat up at any point. Bench and Squat felt strong and fast throughout. OHP and DL felt a little slow. Didn’t think I’d hit PRs on those but I did. I can see myself running this for at least few months every year.

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Which base building template did you use for the overhead press mate?

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necro thread.

you may not get an answer.


The first bench template. I will say this is incredibly boring. No AMRAP, no progression other than increasing weight when getting all reps on all sets is really easy.

I started a little too heavy. Started 155x1 and 135x8,8,7,5. Ended at 155x1 and 135x8,8,8,8,5.

The other bench templates are a lot of sets.


I was wrong Andy. this is amazing. 8 years later.


Lazarus got competition today


Okay I gotta ask, you had that all written down somewhere, right?

Like I have to believe that you just went back to some old spreadsheet and looked at your numbers. No way your memory is that good, hell I can’t remember my sets from last week lol.


And he hadn’t even posted on the forum period for over a year.


I track everything in a giant .xls doc, going back to 2012. Anytime I switch templates I create a new tab.

Lots of 531 stuff, lots of custom stuff.


That’s honestly really awesome, a whole decade of training you can look back and reference

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Or depressing if you’ve managed to screw up as many good ideas as I have. Something works, lean in harder, get beat down or beat up, take time off, start over, rinse and repeat.