Rate My Workout Routine!

Hello! I was wondering if my workouts were good and balanced!! I do a 4 day split (but I would love to figure out something for a 5-7 day split if anyone has suggestions) in segments of Arm and Leg days. My goal is to gain muscle. I’m in a calorie deficit with high protein! (I’m not too worried about losing too much fat). I want to consult this reddit because I wanted to make sure I was on on the right track. I researched all of this but I’m not a professional and I’m scared that I might’ve made the wrong decision.


5 minutes of cardio

Short core workout


Arm days

Overhead press machine: 3x10

Free weights - overhead press: 3x10

Lat pull down: 3x10

row machine: 3x10

Tricep rope push down (cord pull machine): 3x10

Overhead dumbbell tricep extensions: 3x10

Chest press: 2x10

Bicep curl: 2x10

Lateral raises: 2x10

^^^I’m not too sure on these three exercises. Are there any suggestions or should I just keep it as is?

Leg days

Squats 3 x 10

RDL 3 x 10

Leg press machine - 4x10

Split squat - 3x10

Leg extension - 3 x 10

Calf extension machine - 3 x 10

Standing glute machine?? not sure what its called - 3 x 10

Sitting leg curl - 3 x 10

Hip abduction - 3 x 10

I believe you may actually be on the wrong website.

Why are you designing your own program? Why not rely on something built by someone that knows how to do it?


Sorry I accidentally typed reddit because I was just perusing it! I’ve been using this program because my friend recommended it but I just wanted to make sure that I was making the right choice.

What led you to trust your friend to create a program for you vs the programs that have been created by many professionals?


They have years of experience but I just wanted to make sure before I continued to either A. compare this workout I have been doing to professional programs or B. just scrap it all together and change my plan again. I have been looking at professional programs but I just don’t know what’s right for me so I have been just sticking to what I know. So, if this workout was good in the first place - I’ll just continue on :slight_smile:

What ISN’T right for you?

Right now, you’re trying to gain muscle while eating not enough food to do so. That’s a bit of a demand. If your goal is to be in a deficit to lose fat, why not make THAT the goal, and then, when the fat is lost, gain muscle?

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We should make this an auto response to most of these type threads.


Will that change the above workout anyway or would I just continue to eat in a deficit, weightlift, etc?

Some more info would be helpful.


My dude, I will answer your questions after you answer mine :slight_smile:

I’ll go on a cut then by your advice.

I will clarify that I offered no advice: I simply asked questions.

But I hope you find success!

How many days a week do you want to train? If I were developing a plan for a female it would be something like M - Legs/Lower, W - Upper Body, F- Legs/Lower. Cardio, yoga, walks, anything you can do ont he other days is fine. But do something at least two other days. I think the list is overkill. One primary exercise for each lower body day that provides CNS fatigue followed by 3-4 supporting/accessory exercises.

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I really just wanted unbiased advice without other members and you being unprofessional and honestly making me feel that everything I’ve done so far is wrong. Is it so wrong to just have a simple ‘hey! This might not be completely right but this other aspect seems to be going well.” I was looking at other threads with individuals offering wonderful advice but my experience just now was very callous. I will look to other sources. Have a good day!

I apologize if you felt I was unprofessional. I am unsure how a professional would conduct themselves in this instance that is different than your expectation. I am used to professionals asking assessment questions to get to know the client before offering recommendations.

I even wished you success with your approach.

I hope you have a good day as well though!


My unbiased advice is to NOT go for a 5-7 day split. Unless you are already a seasoned athlete you will likely get burnt out. IMO a 3 days lifting regimen with cardio, yoga, walks, biking, on at least two of the off days, or more if you like, is a good way to start.

Taking your list…


  1. Squat – 5 sets of 8-10 reps
  2. Leg press – 3 sets of 12-15 reps
  3. Leg extension – 3 set of 10 reps
  4. Calf extension – 3 sets of 20 reps
  5. Abs

Walk 45 mins or run/sprint for 20 mins


  1. Chest press – 3 sets of 10 reps
  2. Lat pull down – 3 sets of 10 reps
  3. Lateral Raises – 3 sets of 10 reps
  4. Cable bis / tris – super set 3 sets of 12-15 reps
  5. Abs

Yoga or biking or walking


  1. Conventional Deadlift – 5 sets of 5 reps
  2. Laying hamstring curl on machine – 3 sets 10 reps
  3. Lunges or Reverse lunges – 3 seets of 12 reps
  4. Calf raises – 3 sets of 20 reps
  5. Abs

Stay Active!


To piggyback, many great programs and great physiques have been built on 3 days of lifting per week only.
5-7 days/week will likely lead to injury and hinder progress.

@Helenmenard03 is weight loss your goal? If so, it involves much different training than if you wish to build muscle as fast as possible.

There are many females here on the site who could offer a lot of insight for you. Look up any of @Dani_Shugart’s workout articles on the articles page. Or follow the article/program linked above. Try it for at least a month and then reassess.


I am going to criticize everyone who offered you suggestions. The very best suggestions can only be made when the advisor knows many variables about the person.

I don’t like to make suggestions to anyone that I haven’t seen working out for a few weeks. I would think that those at your gym could give you better advise than any of us on the forum.

Okay guys… blast me if you like.

@Helenmenard03 if you would like our input we need to know many more details about your experience weight training and diet.


Hi Helen! Welcome.

Good news is, if you’re new-ish to lifting (even a couple years experience can be considered fairly new), any training plan will work… including the one you listed. And you’re only 20?! Yay! This means you can train with more frequency (and recover faster) than those of us who’ve been lifting for longer than you’ve been alive. Ha!

So, if you have time in your schedule for 5 days a week, and this is something you can be consistent with, it’ll be fine. But I kind of like that you’re lifting 4 days a week with an upper/lower body split.

But my question is, why do you want to lift up to 7 days a week? Is your program feeling too easy? Because there are ways to make it more challenging instead of adding more training days.

For the record, those of us who started lifting in school trained 5 days a week: Monday through Friday. So at 20 years old, I don’t think you’d be doing any harm by training with the same frequency. I would not do 6 to 7 days a week without an in person trainer who can help you manage intensity and volume.

The most important thing is having a routine. So it’s okay if your program isn’t perfect right now. To be honest, there is no perfect plan. The best one is the one that’ll allow you to see results without causing injury or burnout.

You may want to work with a professional – in person – who can help you get the most out of every exercise and feel it in the right musculature. You’ll advance so much faster when someone can give you feedback in real time. Even experienced lifters use trainers for this purpose.

Also, if you’re in this for the long haul, be prepared for your workout program to evolve over time. Especially as you get stronger.

I love that you’ve bumped up the protein, and I love that your main goal is building muscle. Eating in a caloric deficit is not usually what people do when they’re trying to build muscle though. So if it were me, I’d hold off on that part. However, if you’re a beginner and the deficit isn’t too great, you’ll make strength and muscle gains regardless.

What makes you unsure of these? They’re great exercises too. I see that there are only two sets for these unlike the rest of your upper body exercises, so I’d be curious to know the logic behind that. But if you do both sets and feel like you’ve got the strength to do a third, then test it out.

It’s awesome you think of this as similar to Reddit because I was thinking so too. It’s a form of social media but for lifters.

So don’t be scared, be excited! You have so much to look forward to as far as progress and it’s such a rewarding challenge to pursue.