Training Tips?

Hello, I’m 19 years old, 152 lbs with a relatively low body fat and I’ve been lifting for a few years now but still kind of consider myself a beginner. I’ve never been active on the forums but figured I’d ask everyone’s input on my routine. I’ve always felt like I may be overdoing things compared to most people as I train upper body and lower body each three days a week for six days a week total of training.

Upper body days are:
Barbell Bench Press 3x8 w/210 lbs
Weighted pull ups (Wide grip) 3x8 w/70 lbs
Neutral Grip Dumbbell Shoulder Press (Seated) 3x8 w/50 lb dumbbells
Barbell Shoulder Shrugs w/straps 3x10 w/350 lbs
Dumbbell Lat and Front raises 3x15 w/15 lbs
Weighted Dips 3x8 w/75 lbs
Mid Cable Row 3x8 with appropriate weight
Superset Rope Pulldowns and Hammer Curl both 3x12
Superset Close Grip Bench and EZ bar Curl Preacher Curl both 3x8
Ending with ten two minute rounds on the heavy bag

As far as lower body goes the weights aren’t where I want them because I’ve been having hip issues since 7th grade from running so I feel like my leg development has been stalling so any hip friendly or beneficial exercise suggestions would be nice.

Leg days:
Hack Squats 3x8 w/275 lbs
Rack Pulls 5x5 w/300 lbs
Front Squats 3x8 w/200 lbs
Jump squats with 42 lb weighted vest 3x12
Heel raises with vest 3x25 (Adding more weight soon)
Barbell lunges 3x10 w/95 lbs

I take two protein shakes a day with beta alanine added and NO2 pills. I try to eat as much as I can but classes can make that difficult. I’m more wondering if you guys would think I would benifit more from doing a one to two body part a day once a week kind of routine. Any feedback would be great! Thank you!

Holy volume batman, that is a lot of exercise per workout. Have you ever ran a program before? Like a proven one that’s laid out and all you have to do is figure your own weights?

you’re either the strongest 152lbs 19yr old kid on the fuckin planet, or this is one retarded ass program

[quote]Jarvan wrote:
you’re either the strongest 152lbs 19yr old kid on the fuckin planet, or this is one retarded ass program[/quote]

Why do you say that?

There are 17-19 year old “kids” on this site who squat in the 400s and deadlift in the 500s.

I meant in terms of weight load/sheer volume

this kid supposedly…

Hack Squats 3x8 w/275 lbs
Rack Pulls 5x5 w/300 lbs
Front Squats 3x8 w/200 lbs
Jump squats with 42 lb weighted vest 3x12
Heel raises with vest 3x25 (Adding more weight soon)
Barbell lunges 3x10 w/95 lbs

ALL that, three times a week, and he weighs 152lbs


Barbell Bench Press 3x8 w/210 lbs
Weighted pull ups (Wide grip) 3x8 w/70 lbs
Neutral Grip Dumbbell Shoulder Press (Seated) 3x8 w/50 lb dumbbells
Barbell Shoulder Shrugs w/straps 3x10 w/350 lbs
Dumbbell Lat and Front raises 3x15 w/15 lbs
Weighted Dips 3x8 w/75 lbs
Mid Cable Row 3x8 with appropriate weight
Superset Rope Pulldowns and Hammer Curl both 3x12
Superset Close Grip Bench and EZ bar Curl Preacher Curl both 3x8
Ending with ten two minute rounds on the heavy bag

[quote]Jarvan wrote:
you’re either the strongest 6-foot tall 152lbs 19yr old kid on the fuckin planet, or this is one retarded ass program[/quote]
Fixed, but I have to agree with both of these. Either something’s up with the numbers, there’s a miscommunication somewhere, or we’re in the presence of a true genetic freak. Either way, I declare shenanigans.

[quote]jmelo22 wrote:
I’ve always felt like I may be overdoing things compared to most people[/quote]
Because you are.

You’ve been having “hip issues” for six or seven years and you’re not even 20. You need to find out exactly what the problem is and get it corrected so you’re 100% healthy and functional, or you’re gonna have a rough time for the next few decades.

NO2 is a waste of money. Beta alanine isn’t a waste of money, but it’s certainly not what I’d consider a high-priority supplement for you right now.

I don’t believe that for a second. What, exactly, did you eat yesterday?

Every teenager I’ve ever known has had time for, or has been able to make time for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert or a late night snack.

It’s weird you’re considering going from one extreme to the polar opposite. Training six days a week, hitting bodyparts three times a week, down to training four or five days a week hitting bodyparts just once.