Hi all, I am wanting some help with designing a workout that is in the format of:
legs, shoulders, abs
I was wondering if anyone might be willing to look at what I have come up with and give me any tips as to if it covers all muscle groups I should be hitting?
Day 1:
Bench 5x5
push press 4x8
tricep extension 4x8
incline bench 4x8
dips 4x8
plank 3x45 sec.
jump squats 3x45 sec.
Day 2:
Good mornings 4x8
plank row 4x8/side
pull-ups 4x8
wide grip seated row 4x8
ez bar curls (wide/narrow) 4x8/grip
iso. pallof press 3x8/side
roman chairs 3x8
Day 3:
Deadlift 5x5
walking lunges 4x8/side
bent over DB lat. raise 4x8
RDL 4x8
SA DB OH press 4x8
Hanging leg raise 3x8
barbell russian twist 3x8/side
What you do is use the search function and use a program by someone that is way more educated then you in the matter. Also, a program that will follow your goals.
You use said program for at least 3 months and learn. No, you are not allowed to make any changes.
I think you’re spending too much time on your upper body. I also think you should do “dips” first on the chest day because you have to keep your body stable and it is a very tiring exercise, and some argue better for building your chest than the bench press.
Okay, thanks guys. I just don’t even know where to start when it comes to searching for programs. I have been lifting for a while now, but am bored with my previous program. I’ll keep searching.
I asked a somewhat similar question a few days ago and a lot of people pointed me towards 5/3/1. It’s a program or set of them designed by Jim Wendler, there’s an e-book that’s definitely worth reading, I read it in a day.
What are your training goals?