Not sure if I qualify as more knowledgeable/experienced but I’ll bite.
As mentioned above, your shoulders are rounded - making this lift harder and less favorable for long-term use. Also as said above, contracting your lats will help.
I suspect your lower back is rounded a good bit, which can be problematic in both strength leveraging and long-term health.
Found a short video from Squat University - the first half applies to you as you are a conventional puller
You’ve got a very impressive deadlift:bodyweight ratio so I don’t want this to come off insulting at all - just small tweaks that can help you make even more progress.
For other things you may want to look at in for self-correcting form things, take a look here
P.S IDK if you have any issues with grip as a weak point, but if you do - I strongly recommend getting some chalk. Actually, even if it’s not a weak point, I still recommend chalk.
Respect the 2.4xBW pull - we are right at the same topout lift =)