[quote]TheAugustKid wrote:
I’ve just started this routine and I wanted to know if this was a good start for both building strength and mass (I’ve been eating a lot as well)
It’s a simple three day full body workout. Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
With each new set I’ll up the weight, 5 or 10 pounds depending on what i feel like I am capable of doing.
Bench press 3x5
Squats 3x5
Military Presses 3x5
Deadlifts 3x5
Bent over rows 3x5
And afterward 3 sets of dips, pull ups, and decline sit ups to failure.
First off, all great lifts.
I have a few things I’d like to share.
1.) 3x5 for everything 3x a week; that will really stress your body and your central nervous system (CNS) out fast. The 5x5 setup is a very common way to go about these things.
2.) If your doing just these things, 3 times a week; then your not going to want to start with bench and end with BO rows…Switch it up every day you lift.
3.) Do the variations for all these lifts as well:
Bench press (incline, decline, barbell, dumbell)
Squats(front squat, zurcher, box squat)
Military Presses (barbell, dumbbell, push-press)
Deadlifts (conventional, sumo, rack pull, stiff legged, trap bar, deficit)
Bent over rows 3x5 (barbell and dumbbell)
And afterward 3 sets of dips, pull ups, and decline sit ups to failure. (dips are great, pull ups on a heavy deadlift day…tough stuff, decline situps…try it with some weight on there)
good luck getting strong(er)