Another Look at my Routine Thread

I started weight lifting with the 5 day split routine, got tired of that, moved on to full body workouts 3 times a week and experienced substantial muscle growth, and now I’m getting stuck again, so now I’m thinking of just getting really basic. This is what I’ve come up with:

5 compound movements, 3 times a week, 48 hrs rest between:

  1. squat
  2. deadlift
  3. flat bench press
  4. military press
  5. close grip dip

as well as some core work when time permits

day 1: 3 sets x 8 reps
day 2: 4 sets x 5 reps
day 3: 2 sets x 15 reps

Does anyone feel that doing just these 5 lifts and nothing else for a period of about 8 weeks and then switching it up again is counterproductive? I’ve read alot about always varying workouts in a week but I find with these compound lifts I get huge satisfaction and thats what keeps me in the gym. any thoughts are appreciated

Lookin mint… Maybe adding some chins and barbell rowing exercices, you don’t have pull movements that recruits the back except deads… and they wont work the lats much…

Mixing up programs is NEVER counterproductive, keep the body guessin. And most of all, enjoy your time in the gym.

Good luck!

Swap the dips for a pull up variation, and i like it.

thanks for the replies.

Don’t know how I forgot pullups - I’ll add those in. I usually do a set of pullups, then do a set of dips, then do a set up pullups, then dips, then i puke.

cant wait to get back in the gym

Don’t forget to row, no pressing without pulling!