Rant: Squat Rack Curling

So another retard at my gym decided to do 70lb curls in one of the two squat racks that we have. This guys had to be in his early 60’s. I asked him if he was really planning on continuing his obscene behavior or not and he replied with “nope, all done.”

Now I asked him why he really needed to curl 70lbs in a squat rack and he replies with “It’s just easier, I don’t have to lift the weight off the ground.” …This just set me off, I replied with “Isn’t this why you come to the gym? To lift? It’s called a squat rack for a reason. Walk away.”

I just dont understand the real benefit to curling in the squat rack when we have straight bar pre-weighted barbells on the other side of the gym. I’d personally rather pick the weight up off the ground vs loading a bar with bitch weight. Quit being a pussy and pick them up. It’s called a squat rack for a reason.

End rant.

Similar thing happened to me yesterday. Some douchebag was “doing 21s” WITH THE BAR in one of the two squat racks in my gym. I wasn’t as polite as you, as I just called it a douchebag move when someone needs the rack squat.

Wow, some kid was squat rack curling on Monday apparently not knowing that is my rack. I asked him if he was almost done because I wanted to squat after I warmed up. He did one more set and then moved out of there.

On Tuesday the same kid asked my about the way I was rowing by jamming one end of the bar in the corner and using one of the double handles of the cable stacks to t-bar row. he said it looked like a good idea and we was going to try it his next back workout.

The bastard!!!

I’m planning on squatting atfer work.

I just know there will be somebody hogging up my squat rack doing some pussy-ass curls when I get there.


I’m going to start getting angry now, so that my Squat Rack Curl Rage is already fired up by the time I get to the gym.

I had it yesterday. I was too burnt out for work to summon up a good head of rage. All I could do was general pissiness. It wasn’t even an olympic bar. It was one of those ez curl ones that was carefully placed on the pins. It wasn’t wide enough and fell off. I just took it and moved it.

Then a bunch of young men were screaming and throwing their weights on the floor after each set. It was one of those days.

Some fagg rolled up 2 me 2day bitchin cus i was gettin a hawt gun show to pik up da bitchez, watta batty boi

yeh it annoys me when someone is there doing less than 40kg cause i guess i can somewhat sympathize with them as preloaded barbells go up to 40kg, and since most people at my gym are sheep and if one person does something different they all follow.

However I generally find that people are willing to leave if you need the rack to squat

I like curling in the squat rack. It makes me feel manly.

Oh - WAIT! Ohh err - shit did I say that out loud? damn - shit…

How many of these threads do we need?

[quote]ukrainian wrote:
How many of these threads do we need?[/quote]


we need 621



This topic never gets old. 'Tis close to the hearts of men.

Ok, i dont mean to sound liek a fuck-head or anything. Just a quick question here. Ok, so heres the thing, there are SQUAT RACKS and there are POWER RACKS. This i know for a fact. SQUAT RACKS have one purpose and one purpose only, and that is to preform SQUATS in.

POWER RACKS have more than one use. ( you can do over-head presses, you can bench press in them and use the cross-bars to spot you if you fail on a set, you can do rack pulls, you can preform squats and shrugs in them. lotta other stuff.)

Ok well i was on one of these threads and this guy was saying this “In my gym there are SQUAT RACKS and POWER RACKS, but i like to SQUAT in the POWER RACKS” And he was bitching about some kid walking up to him and asking him if he could to some curls in it after he was done squatting.

The guy doing SQUATS in the PWER RACK replied “why dont you go over to that rack and do them”, the kid went to the other PWER RACK and starting curling. And the squatter got all fucking butt-hurt bout it.

Bitching bout how he HATES ppl doing SRCs. My point being THIS: If the guy had a SQUAT RACK in his gym why didnt he use it? I mean, correct me if im wrong, but SQUAT RACKS are only good for pretty much one thing, and thats squatting, squatting is what they are built for.

Well, if you dont like someone curling in your squat racks, why would you squat in someones POWER RACK? POWER RACKS are basically made for a bunch of diferent shit, not just squats, so wouldnt it be legit to curl in them? I mean, why did the guy get mad at the dude?

Correct me if im wrong, but he really doesnt have room to bitch, becuase he is SQUATTING IN A POWER RACK, when the SQUAT RACKS are on the other side of the weight room??? I mean, THE GUY HAD NO FUCKING ROOM TO BITCH imo.

Becuase it would have been really easy for any other guy in there to walk up to him and say “hey buddy, if you wanna do squats, do them in the squat racks.” or "why would you bitch at me for doing SRC when your squatting in the Power rack when there is a perfectly good SQUAT RACK over there?

Go squat in the damn Squat Rack!" I mean, I understand the guy just liked squatting in the Pwer Rack cuz he liked it better, im not saying he shouldn’t. Just saying you cnt get mad at a guy for misusing a peice of equippment when the guy doin the bitching is using the wrong peice.

I mean, if the gym ONLY has Power racks, then squat in them till your legs break. But if it has BOTH, Squats for the SQUAT RACKS and everything else (INCLUDING CURLS imo) go into the POWER RACKS.


I did the curls in the squat rack once. It isn’t like anybody really uses the squat rack in my gym and all the floor space is taken up with machines except for one spot to deadlifts. Still, it felt too weird to keep doing that.

[quote]Iron-Head10 wrote:
Ok, i dont mean to sound liek a fuck-head or anything. [/quote]

heh heh heh.

My gym only has one power rack - no squat racks. Even if we had squat racks, I would still squat in the power rack because the sides of the squat rack are too high for me when going deep.

I think about these 624 threads often at the gym. I am so happy when it is an upper body day and some doof is curling on a bosu ball (really) in the rack. At least I don’t have to get angry.

I firmly believe that if it is an exercise that can be done outside the rack - do it outside the rack.

[quote]jtg987 wrote:

However I generally find that people are willing to leave if you need the rack to squat [/quote]

Amazing. You mean if you politely request to use the space to squat, they actually let you?

What kind of civilized society are you living in?

[quote]pushmepullme wrote:
Iron-Head10 wrote:
Ok, i dont mean to sound liek a fuck-head or anything.

heh heh heh.

My gym only has one power rack - no squat racks. Even if we had squat racks, I would still squat in the power rack because the sides of the squat rack are too high for me when going deep.

Why in the hell do they even build squat racks that you have to back out of to actually squat? Some genius 1/4 squatter came up with that idea.

If I have a heavy load, I don’t want to have to back up 4 feet. I like the additional safety of the power rack.

I’m happy to say I haven’t had to deal with that in over 2 years. Home gyms rule!

I think I’d feel odd at a commercial gym at this point, after all this time not having to share my rack, or any gear for that matter…

There is nothing wrong with squatting in a power cage. The same goes for Olympic lifts and other cases where saftey is an issue. Last time I checked bicep curls were probably one of the lowest risk, lightest weight, most isolation-oriented exercises in existence. Do them somewhere else. See avatar.