3 dudes with weight belts, wrist straps, clown pants, doing curls in the ONLY squat rack, all fcking evening, making UUUHHHHG AAAAHHHHG noises like they were shtting a watermellon
little tiiiiiny forearms on all of them of course.
What’s got me well buggered is how anyone came up with the notion of doing curls in the squat rack…? I mean, it seems like the most “FUCKING SENSELESS” thing that a person could do. I instantly class ANYONE doing curls in the squat rack as a complete fucking dunce.
i belong to a sorry-ass, “glamorous” expensive gym. but shit, it’s extremely close to work. which makes it worth it.about 80% of the crap they have there is geared to upper body. i’m probably one of 5 largest/strongest dudes in there. I curl from the squat rack too !!.. shit, if i didn’t squat, curl, and military press from it, it would never get used. i swear, i’m the only guy using it. and i’m the only guy there who uses the 80lb.-100lb dumbells there… now, don’t get me wrong, when i worked out at a “real” gym. i left the squat rack alone for squating only. (damn i miss that gym!)
i agree with podge. at my gym the squat rack is hardly ever getting used. there are actually 3 of them that are hardly ever getting used. i haven’t curled in any of them yet, but it is damn tempting when there are 3 empty squat racks and the main area where i would normally do curls is crowded.