Welpā¦ Ok.
First thing - the heavier you train, the longer the recovery. Harder recovery is the same - it means also recovering longer.
It might not be exactly the same as adding 1% weight means 1% recovery, but that is a fact that a beginner can do all 4 big lifts in 1 training session 2-3 times a week. Thats how i start my clients - we do 4 main lifts every training session, 2-3 times a week, we add 1,25kg each side on every lift every training. When that becomes harder, we add same plate on lower body lifts and every other session for upper body. When that stalls, we move to Bench/Squat, Ohp/DL split and continue adding weight until that stalls - we test our 5RM max and do 531 2 day split.
It is an absolute fact that a beginner can deadlift and squat in same session 2-3 times a week for months. No one who is strong, can do it in one session. Rarelly someone can do it twice a week.
Very strong lifters, like Chad Wesley Smith squat only once every 10 days.
The original Lilliebridge Method also had them Squating and Deadlifting once every 14 days.
The stronger you get, the more time you need to recover.
Second - women are MUCH BETTER at handling volume. It has shit to do with testosterone. It has to do with CNS. Women are build to endure more suffering. When i was running marathons i studied that alot, and since i have a basic degree in biology, i always end up reading paleonthological stuff.
Basically, homo sapiens were built to travel long distances, thats why we are good at marathons. Females, however, were build to travel the same distances WHILE preagnant and/or WITH baby on hands.
There also was a comparison done by Juggernaut team, with Chad Wesley Smith that compared amount of maximum recoverable volume.
So we know(and now you too) that the bigger the lifts, the less volume you can handle. The result of the comparison was that and Intermediate male lifter could do HALF the volume, that an ELITE female could do.
Taking into consideration that elite strenght would require twice the recovery that is needed by an intermediate, it comes to females being able to tolerate 3-4 times the volume a male can.
Sure, we can debate that the reason why females can tolerate so much more is because elite females lift as much as an intermediate males, but STILL even if we take half of their recovery away because of the load difference, females still can tolerate at least twice as much.
The thing about the recovery is not in testosterone and muscle as such. Its mostly in CNS. Our CNS does not change too much because we train. The higher the load, the more punishment for our CNS which always is at simmilar level. Thats why you can deadlift 100lbs three times a week, 250lbs twice a week, 500lbs once, and when you reach 800+ it is rare to see people doing that every week, OR if they do, they back way off the squats.
It is common in powerlifting that when you push a heavy squat or dead a bit more frequently(more frequent than once every 10 days, for example) to back off the other lift a lot. There are lots of good lifters that will say that you cant progress on squat and dead at the same time at all.
If id put my GF through the same training i do, she would be whining and bitching all the time but she also would be ready to go again after 2 days. Me - not so much. I train every lift once every 8 days and sometimes i think that i need a bit extra in between lower body sessions. Many times i have considered doing LillieBridge method and just do squats one week, deads the other.