[quote]Baris_ wrote:
[quote]Rational Gaze wrote:
To be brutally honest, those lifts are poor. I think you need to put a lot of work into the next 10 months, and then look very carefully at whether you are actually ready to use AAS.[/quote]
I don’t care about strength though? I never lifted for high weights and only focused on doing a good amount of reps with as perfect form as I could!
As I am here to learn, can I ask why I need to be that significantly stronger if I want to use AAS? All I care about is size![/quote]
Please don’t take offence, but you are somewhere in the nether regions of the beginner level when it comes to experience, strength, size, everything…
Get the basics down first before you consider gear, otherwise you are just going to be wasting money.
If your goal is to get the Men’s Health look or something like that, that doesn’t require gear whatsoever…
If you want to get seriously big, then you still want to learn about the basics and actually make some progress naturally. At this point you don’t even know how getting big actually works, judging by your questions and your statement about strength.
Read through the threads posted in the “Best of T-Nation” sticky thread at the top of the bb forum… Not all maybe, but diet threads, the professor X thread, etc… All the important stuff… Then come back and ask your questions.
You need to at least learn about:
- Diet, diet and some more about diet.
- how to set up properly for the major exercises (not just the “good form” crap, actual setup and technique)
- How to put together a decent routine and other related things.
- How food + progression in the gym let you gain muscle mass…
At your age your hormone levels should be just dandy, and you can likely add 30-50 or more (well, perhaps not more considering your starting weight, but you are fairly tall and weak right now, so, lots of potential to add weight fast) lbs of mostly muscle within a year or a year and a half drug-free if you do it right… What do you even want to use gear for in this situation? It’s no magic bullet, it won’t turn you into Ronnie Coleman in a year or anything like that…