Question Regarding Workload During Cycle


This is my first post so I would like to introduce myself first; I’m Baris and I’m from The Netherlands. I’m planning a cycle early next year shortly after I turn 21 and this is what I will be using:

Week 1-2: Frontloading 1000-1250 mg testosterone enanthate e/w (not decided on the exact number yet)
Week 3-10: 500 mg testosterone enanthate e/w

Now my question is, how much should I increase my workload during this cycle? For instance, now I do between 24-28 sets on each workout day, should that be increased to 30? 35? Or just add one exercise? I’m not expecting to be spoonfed, but I’d just like an indication in the right direction. I currently follow a 4-day split, which I will maintain during the cycle. I have tried different splits and found the 4-day split working best for me.

I’m looking forward to hearing some advice. If I haven’t given enough information do not hestitate to ask.

Thanks in advance and kindest regards!

PS: Some stats
Height: 6’ 0"
Weight: 213 lbs
Bodyfat: ~15%

Depending on the exercises, how one does the sets, and other factors, the numeric figure for best number of sets for an individual can vary greatly.

I’d just put it as, whatever you’d think best for you without the anabolic assistance, a volume increase of about 1/3 while using anabolic steroids will often be a good idea and relatively rarely a mistake.

(Where it would likely be a mistake is if the program being compared to is already extremely hard.)

[quote]Bill Roberts wrote:
Depending on the exercises, how one does the sets, and other factors, the numeric figure for best number of sets for an individual can vary greatly.

I’d just put it as, whatever you’d think best for you without the anabolic assistance, a volume increase of about 1/3 while using anabolic steroids will often be a good idea and relatively rarely a mistake.

(Where it would likely be a mistake is if the program being compared to is already extremely hard.)[/quote]

Thank you for your reply.

This is a great help already. Now I can think it over a lot better! Thank you. So something like this?

What I currently do:
Bench Press 5
Incline Bench Press 4
Dumbbell Fly 3
Total sets 12

What I would do:
Bench Press 6
Incline Bench Press 5
Cable Crossover 5
Total sets 16

I also have another question, should one deload during his cycle? I understood that one should deload at least once every 8 weeks. As my cylce and PCT will last for 16 to 18 weeks, should I deload in this period? Is that necessary when on anabolic steroids (with the rapid recovery etc.)

Thanks in advance.

[quote]Baris_ wrote:

This is my first post so I would like to introduce myself first; I’m Baris and I’m from The Netherlands. I’m planning a cycle early next year shortly after I turn 21 and this is what I will be using:

Week 1-2: Frontloading 1000-1250 mg testosterone enanthate e/w (not decided on the exact number yet)
Week 3-10: 500 mg testosterone enanthate e/w

Now my question is, how much should I increase my workload during this cycle? For instance, now I do between 24-28 sets on each workout day, should that be increased to 30? 35? Or just add one exercise? I’m not expecting to be spoonfed, but I’d just like an indication in the right direction. I currently follow a 4-day split, which I will maintain during the cycle. I have tried different splits and found the 4-day split working best for me.

I’m looking forward to hearing some advice. If I haven’t given enough information do not hestitate to ask.

Thanks in advance and kindest regards!

PS: Some stats
Height: 6’ 0"
Weight: 213 lbs
Bodyfat: ~15%[/quote]

I wouldn’t put a definitive number on anything and go by how your body is feeling (you should know how to follow this by now if you plan on using).

The main benefit from steroids is an increase in protein synthesis so you can eat more without getting as fat, since you add more muscle mass (Very generalised and elementary summary).

Certainly one of the benefits, I wouldn’t say it was the main one.

[quote]Goodfellow wrote:
I wouldn’t put a definitive number on anything and go by how your body is feeling (you should know how to follow this by now if you plan on using).

The main benefit from steroids is an increase in protein synthesis so you can eat more without getting as fat, since you add more muscle mass (Very generalised and elementary summary).[/quote]

Thank you for your reply.

I understand what you’re saying, but I don’t want to spend the first (valuable) weeks of my cycle to find out what’s right for me from scratch. Whereas now I can start off with a better idea of how much to do (generally) and go from there, right?

[quote]Rational Gaze wrote:
Certainly one of the benefits, I wouldn’t say it was the main one.[/quote]

Aside from cortisol reduction the only other point of taking anabolic steroids is to increase protein synthesis within cells… (From a muscle building perspective)

[quote]Baris_ wrote:

[quote]Goodfellow wrote:
I wouldn’t put a definitive number on anything and go by how your body is feeling (you should know how to follow this by now if you plan on using).

The main benefit from steroids is an increase in protein synthesis so you can eat more without getting as fat, since you add more muscle mass (Very generalised and elementary summary).[/quote]

Thank you for your reply.

I understand what you’re saying, but I don’t want to spend the first (valuable) weeks of my cycle to find out what’s right for me from scratch. Whereas now I can start off with a better idea of how much to do (generally) and go from there, right?[/quote]

My point what is that you should know what you should be doing already…

I’m just pointing out basic principles that you seem to be glancing over.

It’s probably a better idea to take this into the steroid forum.

[quote]Goodfellow wrote:

[quote]Baris_ wrote:

This is my first post so I would like to introduce myself first; I’m Baris and I’m from The Netherlands. I’m planning a cycle early next year shortly after I turn 21 and this is what I will be using:

Week 1-2: Frontloading 1000-1250 mg testosterone enanthate e/w (not decided on the exact number yet)
Week 3-10: 500 mg testosterone enanthate e/w

Now my question is, how much should I increase my workload during this cycle? For instance, now I do between 24-28 sets on each workout day, should that be increased to 30? 35? Or just add one exercise?

I’m not expecting to be spoonfed, but I’d just like an indication in the right direction. I currently follow a 4-day split, which I will maintain during the cycle. I have tried different splits and found the 4-day split working best for me.

I’m looking forward to hearing some advice. If I haven’t given enough information do not hestitate to ask.

Thanks in advance and kindest regards!

PS: Some stats
Height: 6’ 0"
Weight: 213 lbs
Bodyfat: ~15%[/quote]

I wouldn’t put a definitive number on anything and go by how your body is feeling (you should know how to follow this by now if you plan on using).

The main benefit from steroids is an increase in protein synthesis so you can eat more without getting as fat, since you add more muscle mass (Very generalised and elementary summary).[/quote]

YEs but a potential problem is that on AAS some people feel like they can train at a high level for hours, literally. At some point it becomes pointless to continue training. A lot of things go in to when someone should end their session. But just going by feel isnt the right approach, especially if the person needs to ask about this stuff.

Basically yhe ones that should be going by feel are those with plenty of experience on and off AAS. But those people wouldnt be asking this question in the first place. :wink:

Wait…you’re a soft 213, at six feet tall, and you’re going to juice? I mean, I understand that you’re going to do whatever you want, and people are trying to just answer your question…but come on now. Why? There’s no way you’re anywhere close to reaching your natural growth limit…what are your lifting stats? I’m not saying that steroids don’t have their place…but based on your stats, I’m guessing you’re not exactly blowing people away.

[quote]Goodfellow wrote:
My point what is that you should know what you should be doing already…

I’m just pointing out basic principles that you seem to be glancing over.

It’s probably a better idea to take this into the steroid forum.

I won’t be doing a cycle until I turn 21. That’s 10 months away, I’m doing heavy research now and have been for some time. Plently of time left to learn?

[quote]eeu743 wrote:
Wait…you’re a soft 213, at six feet tall, and you’re going to juice? I mean, I understand that you’re going to do whatever you want, and people are trying to just answer your question…but come on now. Why? There’s no way you’re anywhere close to reaching your natural growth limit…what are your lifting stats? I’m not saying that steroids don’t have their place…but based on your stats, I’m guessing you’re not exactly blowing people away.[/quote]

It’s at least 10 months away before I will touch anything and I will continue dieting and training heavy until that time. Nonetheless, one* of the reasons I want to do a cycle is getting to my genetic limit faster.

Lifting stats at this moment (calculated 1RM):

Bench Press: 238
Squat: 273
Deadlift: 264

Thank you all for your replies.

To be brutally honest, those lifts are poor. I think you need to put a lot of work into the next 10 months, and then look very carefully at whether you are actually ready to use AAS.

[quote]Rational Gaze wrote:
To be brutally honest, those lifts are poor. I think you need to put a lot of work into the next 10 months, and then look very carefully at whether you are actually ready to use AAS.[/quote]

I don’t care about strength though? I never lifted for high weights and only focused on doing a good amount of reps with as perfect form as I could!

As I am here to learn, can I ask why I need to be that significantly stronger if I want to use AAS? All I care about is size!

[quote]Baris_ wrote:

[quote]Rational Gaze wrote:
To be brutally honest, those lifts are poor. I think you need to put a lot of work into the next 10 months, and then look very carefully at whether you are actually ready to use AAS.[/quote]

I don’t care about strength though? I never lifted for high weights and only focused on doing a good amount of reps with as perfect form as I could!

As I am here to learn, can I ask why I need to be that significantly stronger if I want to use AAS? All I care about is size![/quote]

Please don’t take offence, but you are somewhere in the nether regions of the beginner level when it comes to experience, strength, size, everything…

Get the basics down first before you consider gear, otherwise you are just going to be wasting money.

If your goal is to get the Men’s Health look or something like that, that doesn’t require gear whatsoever…

If you want to get seriously big, then you still want to learn about the basics and actually make some progress naturally. At this point you don’t even know how getting big actually works, judging by your questions and your statement about strength.

Read through the threads posted in the “Best of T-Nation” sticky thread at the top of the bb forum… Not all maybe, but diet threads, the professor X thread, etc… All the important stuff… Then come back and ask your questions.
You need to at least learn about:

  1. Diet, diet and some more about diet.
  2. how to set up properly for the major exercises (not just the “good form” crap, actual setup and technique)
  3. How to put together a decent routine and other related things.
  4. How food + progression in the gym let you gain muscle mass…

At your age your hormone levels should be just dandy, and you can likely add 30-50 or more (well, perhaps not more considering your starting weight, but you are fairly tall and weak right now, so, lots of potential to add weight fast) lbs of mostly muscle within a year or a year and a half drug-free if you do it right… What do you even want to use gear for in this situation? It’s no magic bullet, it won’t turn you into Ronnie Coleman in a year or anything like that…

x2 what CC said. hell i wouldnt even consider gear til 26+ or so, and thats only if you’ve actually built a physique. Need a solid base from which to build on top of.

You have a “calculated” deadlift max at 264? Just keep lifting heavy and eating man

[quote]ashylarryku wrote:
You have a “calculated” deadlift max at 264? Just keep lifting heavy and eating man[/quote]

Never said I’d stop. The calculation is from a different board.

The point is not just that your lifts aren’t particularly impressive, but that overall you still have a lot of work to do. Steroids do not come without negativity, without potential side-effects, without risks. You don’t need to be using them when you can still achieve a great deal just by eating and lifting.

I am somewhat stronger than you, and probably more muscular, and I couldn’t even begin to imagine using steroids any time in the near or even somewhat near future. CC is completely correct, I think 50 extra pounds of muscle on you is totally reasonable and achievable, probably more.

Plus if you use steroids now nobody is going to take you seriously.

[quote]eeu743 wrote:
The point is not just that your lifts aren’t particularly impressive, but that overall you still have a lot of work to do. Steroids do not come without negativity, without potential side-effects, without risks. You don’t need to be using them when you can still achieve a great deal just by eating and lifting.

I am somewhat stronger than you, and probably more muscular, and I couldn’t even begin to imagine using steroids any time in the near or even somewhat near future. CC is completely correct, I think 50 extra pounds of muscle on you is totally reasonable and achievable, probably more.[/quote]

Lifting a particular weight is necessary to do one AAS cycle? Why? I’m not going to be going to the gym after I’m 25-26, period. I have a lot of different motives and ideas than what you guys think. Besides that I think you all are on the spot with me, not being big or strong.

However, I never asked anything about side-effects, or looking like Ronnie Coleman, so why are you all treating me like I want to be big in a day. I have my motives and they’re not as patronized as you all think before knowing me.

Anyway, thanks everybody.

[quote]eeu743 wrote:
Plus if you use steroids now nobody is going to take you seriously.[/quote]

I don’t care about others. I don’t do weight training for them.

[quote]Baris_ wrote:

[quote]eeu743 wrote:
The point is not just that your lifts aren’t particularly impressive, but that overall you still have a lot of work to do. Steroids do not come without negativity, without potential side-effects, without risks. You don’t need to be using them when you can still achieve a great deal just by eating and lifting.

I am somewhat stronger than you, and probably more muscular, and I couldn’t even begin to imagine using steroids any time in the near or even somewhat near future. CC is completely correct, I think 50 extra pounds of muscle on you is totally reasonable and achievable, probably more.[/quote]

Lifting a particular weight is necessary to do one AAS cycle? Why? I’m not going to be going to the gym after I’m 25-26, period. I have a lot of different motives and ideas than what you guys think. Besides that I think you all are on the spot with me, not being big or strong.

However, I never asked anything about side-effects, or looking like Ronnie Coleman, so why are you all treating me like I want to be big in a day. I have my motives and they’re not as patronized as you all think before knowing me.

Anyway, thanks everybody.

[quote]eeu743 wrote:
Plus if you use steroids now nobody is going to take you seriously.[/quote]

I don’t care about others. I don’t do weight training for them.[/quote]

You’re not going to the gym after 25 or 26? Then what’s the point? No matter how big you get, if you become inactive it will pretty much all go to waste.

But you’re right. You’re small, weak, and inexperienced, so you should definitely juice, it will fix everything.