question for Joel Marion regarding Mag-10 and 5x5

I’m going to do a Mag-10 cycle, starting monday, for the next two weeks. Then, I’m going to follow it up with the 5x5 routine that Joel wrote about in this weeks t-mag. I was wondering if it would be best to stick to 8-12 reps for the Mag-10 cycle, or should I do it like they say in the Growth Surge Project? Keeping in mind the GSP is lower reps, and I’ll be going to lower reps after the cycle. Thanks for the help.

The GSP isn’t really a low rep program. Yes, there are some sets of 6 in there, which I would bump up to 8-10 reps or so, but other than that, it’s mostly 8-12 with even some 15 rep drop sets (this may have been throwing you off since they are 5-5-5 drop sets, but that’s 15 total reps without rest). GSP is fine, go for it!

I like 5x5 alot (I am using it now) but I would add in the strip sets while on Mag-10 so you get that " I cant bend my arms because my biceps are so pumped feel"

You could do it and expect good results. I prefer higher percentage 1RM (e.g. mid 70s to low 80s) during brief androgen cycles but you can also get good results with weights below this: but I would not use less than 60% 1RM.

Thanks for your replies gentlemen. They helped out a lot.

Hey Joel I just saw your pictures for the first time and wanted to say congratulations and winning the contest, you looked awesome! Especially impressive are your triceps and delts? You get those from dipping?

Are you willing to reveal how you got the tan? I thought the tan was also impressive, or is that all natural from the sun?

Yes, dips are one of my favorite exercises, but just like anything else, they can only be effectively incorporated into your program periodically. I got the tan with an accelerator and spent lots of time in the tanning bed that summer. Since then, I’ve gotten a little smarter and started using Jan Tana Fast Tan, the tan actually looks better, it’s much safer, and less time consuming. It’s fake, but no one knows but me :slight_smile:

No one knows but you and the rest of the forum crew :slight_smile:

Nice way to keep a secret bud.

Feel free to point, heckle, and laugh at me next time you see me on the street :slight_smile:

if you normally grow on low reps then you wouldnt go high reps on mag10. The converse is true also.

Thanks Joel. You will look better in the long run by not frying your skin. Your secrets are safe with us!