Question for Coach Davies

Coach, in the summer of 2000, I played in a charity full-contact football game for my local little league. I received a dislocated shoulder in that game, and for months it would dislocate doing simple tasks like combing my hair. Well, I went to a sports medicine physician, had an MR run, and discovered that the problem was very loose ligaments, and a scarred up labrum. I had a procedure performed called a thermal capsulloraphy to tighten up my ligaments back to normal. That was in January, and I have completely healed. I used to be a very strong presser, and would love to press heavy again. My question to you is, have you worked with anyone in their rehabilitaion after a similar surgery to get their strength back? I assume so, since its a very common injury in football. If so, could you give me some guidelines to get back to pressing like a champ? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Bump for the Coach

Certainly have experience with dealing with a wide variety of injuries that athletes are coming back from. Have you received total clearance - I would suspect so, given it was 10 months ago but just want to check. What have you presently been doing? I look forward to hearing from you. In faith, Coach Davies