Purchasing Home Equipment

Has anyone out there purchased anything from New York Barbell?


I’m looking at getting a multi-use rack and pulley combo, and they seem to be reasonably priced.

Thoughts and other links would be appreciated.

Check with Strength Inc. His name is Steve Dewitt and he lives in Twin Falls, Idaho. He builds killer equipment. His equipment is built a lot better then some of the home equipment that you see on the market today. You can PM me if you want all the details.

Bigg James

I have had several threads on the stuff I have bought from NYbb and love it all. Including a power rack high low pulley station, safety squat bar etc. Solid equip. good shipping etc.

No probs here and I highly recomend them,

Hope that Helps,

Has anyone tried the glute ham raise bench that is sold on new york barbell? How does it compare to the glute ham bench from elitefts.com?
