Hello everybody,
For some weeks now, I have been experimenting left shoulder pain during Pull-ups.
It feels like I am tearing my shoulder when I start to pull myself up, during pronated pull-ups. I use a shoulder-wide grip, so it s not very large.
I am unable to do any single rep of large grip pull ups due to this pain, and struggle a lot with the pull-ups.
I feel the same with large grip pulldowns with heavy weights. I know my forearms are a weakness and are very used so maybe they fuck up the shoulder / elbow mechanics. Form is good according to my gym coach.
Pain is located on the anterior shoulder side, start at the left pecto / ant delt junction and follows the clavicula.
GOt it checked by radio and nothing appeared.
Pain occurs when I am doing this exercise, and last 1 or 2 days, then wears off…
Any insight on this ? Anyone experimenting this ?