I’ve been running a 531 variation and have already seen progress. I’ve gone from 185x5 (barely) to 185x9 (fast) on the squat, very quickly.
Part of the program is getting chin-up/pull-up work in between sets. I can get 5 or so chin-ups (no kipping), with slow negatives so thats not the problem. I cannot pull myself up with a wide pronated pull-up grip however.
How should I go about progressing pull-ups when I can’t get a true one as of right now? How should I go about strengthening my lats/traps/back so I can get pull-ups into my routine.
[quote=“kingbrady, post:1, topic:214086”]
I can get 5 or so chin-ups (no kipping), with slow negatives so thats not the problem. I cannot pull myself up with a wide pronated pull-up grip however.[/quote]
This is kinda like saying “I can back squat 185 for 9, but I can’t front squat 185x1. Why not?” They’re different exercises with different leverages and different muscle recruitment. Keep doing what you’re doing.
Nothing at all wrong with sticking with chin-ups and getting them up to 10+ reps, and then think about working on pull-ups. If it’s really bothering you (which it shouldn’t), there are a ton of pull-up articles right here. Pretty much any one of them can help, but they often put pull-ups into the forefront of training.
Since you’re just getting on a roll with your current plan, I, again, suggest sticking with the chins for quite a while longer.