Wanting to incorporate the prowler for conditioning 2 days a week. Im on a 4 day split. When would be the optimum time to do it. Off days? After legs? How do you fellows do it. I would like to do it after my workout so I don’t have to go to gym on my days off. I have a busy schedule.
My split is chest tri, legs, shoulders, back bis. After chest I hit the heavy bag lightlyalready. After shoulders I have been doing farmers walks. Any input would be appreciated.
Thanks. Im open for any good idea.
If this helps:
I lift on Tue and Fri upper body
I lift on Thr and Sun Squat or Deadlift
Always starting at 6 PM.
Tue and Thr I push/pull lite for speed for 75-90 seconds
Fri and Sun I push / pull heavy for 15-30 seconds
Always at 6 AM.
I find this 12 hour rest period is good enough.
Mine are for time, not for distance.
Thanks for the feedback bud. I really dont have time to hit the gymn twice a day. Shiftwork, lots of hours, and a family to raise. I will probably just give it a try after legs and back day. 2nd and 4th day. I squat light on back day as well. That should give me 2 days to recover if needed before I hit day 1 again. It’s a start. Trial and error.
If you want to go balls out, push it immediately after your leg and back sessions. You’ll be dead after that but your off days will be proper off days, which is valuable.
[quote]kurtisj246 wrote:
Thanks for the feedback bud. I really dont have time to hit the gymn twice a day. Shiftwork, lots of hours, and a family to raise. I will probably just give it a try after legs and back day. 2nd and 4th day. I squat light on back day as well. That should give me 2 days to recover if needed before I hit day 1 again. It’s a start. Trial and error.[/quote]
Buy or make a sled/prowler and drag and push the shit out of it outside your house or on an appropriate place nearby
I am looking at sleds and sledgehammer and tyre conditioning myself. Anyone have any experience with the hammer work?
A couple of things -
I am 47 - let me say that first -
I have found all the worry about when to do prowler work to be crap for me. The only time I do not do it is directly before a squat or deadlift
workout. Everything else is fair game.
I often program prowler work as my only assistance for squats and deads too.
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