Protruding Abs?

That can’t be the case lol. Did you measure it or are you just guessing? Visceral fat is 1-12 % of the overall fat. 12+% can pose some health problems. You can google “visceral fat percentage chart.” If you are active and aren’t overweight then most likely you will be under 12%.

Yes, my abs are getting thicker but just the upper part. I think in general abs is getting thicker since I am still gaining more muscle overall but my ribcage placement is kinda fucked up so my upper abs looks way thicker.

Thanks for the knowledge dump… I guess? May I ask how long have you actually been under a Bar?

We miss your gruffness around here Bulldog. Finish your Reno so you can get back to sorting this shit out :sunglasses:

I always thought of myself as a bright ray of sunshine…
The gruffness… probably stems from getting old along with the fact that I have been doing this shit on and off for so long that I have developed a low tolerance for Bullshit.

FyI…your giving advice to someone whom has competed on stage in his younger days…along with Low level strongman and Powerlifting. Along with training on and off for several decades. Just wanted you to know whom you were talking down to…Also the pic in my avatar is of myself. But still thank you for your insight.


So what does that have to do with our previous conversation? I don’t give a damn how long you have been training, if you are wrong then you are wrong. You said your fat was mostly visceral fat which is an indication of someone that is obese. That’s why I said that can’t be the case and I corrected you. A wise man who has achieved many things in life admits when he is wrong and always learning from everyone, not pointing out his “achievements” and tell someone who you are talking to. That’s like Mike O’Hearn 2.0 with all the fake judo titles listed on his website.

So I stated my résumé… ( which you could do yourself)Just for clarification.I just simply stated
what i have competed in as a way of establishing my actual experience level and nothing more. Because I felt slightly miffed because I felt like I was being talked down towards by someone. Buy a individual whom I not sure is just Trolling to begin with.( which seems to be the general feel from what I am reading from the other posters). I didn’t attach you personally ( unless asking how long you have been under a actual bar is offensive) … Just pointed out some facts. Did it ever occur to you that any Bullshit that you might be getting is a result of how your coming across?

Which is funny you would say that…if you knew anything about me. Unfortunately your logic is severely flawed on that account. For the record I do take advice and seek input from others. Just from guys with established track records of achievement …experience and formal education IN REAL LIFE. Not from someone whom wants to quote google sources which less experience guy always do when they first join this forum. IF you would like to respond with a insult or so forth go ahead … or you can act like a adult and simply answer a basic question of
your experience level and the like.

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I think I need these curl ups in my life. I’m constantly correcting my posture all of the time. When your posture was “corrected” was it a thing you had to consciously do or did you just do it without thinking? Because I’m very conscious of it, at all times when standing. It’s annoying AF; it’s like my brain is constantly running this “correct posture” program at all times, eating up processing power and making me forget everything my wife says.

EDIT: Damn this thread is nuts.

When I get it and it “clicks,” everything is automatic.

Just standing still, I can feel everything lined up and “locked in.” I can feel hamstrings and abs just walking around. Getting up from the couch feels like a powerful squat. It’s unconscious and awesome.

Then, slowly I regress until everything feels unsure and slouched over again. Part of the problem is lifting. I’ve done so many reps in the past with my butt stuck out, leaning over that I revert back when I try to add weight too fast. Which I almost always do.

2 years experience? No wonder you did not want to state your resume .

So? I know a bunch of guys who have been lifting all their life but know absolutely nothing about muscle building. All the experienced guys I know are humble, not whiny, have their achievements speak for themselves. Why don’t you go to the gym instead of keep pestering me Mr.experienced.

in what world does


In general, I have found that, when people refuse to answer a direct question, it is due to shame. That trend seems to continue.


Thank you … for allowing me to manipulating you into responding. By the way you need to work on your Troll work a little better…

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Your not off the mark , especially if answering a question with a honest answer will lend weight to someones observation.
Pretty much what I expected that this individual had much time under his belt. Funny part is he actually thinks that some of the remarks he has made to other on this threads actually bothers anyone.

Pretty sure you laughed your ass off when he question your intelligence early in this thread. I’m guessing that he doesn’t get he has now set himself up as a source of entertainment.

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Not related, but I really HATE the word “humble”. Humility is overrated.

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Humble has turned into false humility. Confidence has turned into arrogance.


Haha this guy is truly a loser.

I did not answer your question the first time because it wasn’t worth my time.

Then you came back like one or two days later writing paragraphs because you couldn’t handle someone that had less years of experience than you, corrected you about simple facts about body fat distribution.

So I blasted you back. Bring all your crews out to vote you, it doesn’t change the fact that you are a egomaniac and delusional person. But here is a lesson, you can always learn from everyone doesn’t matter what age, level, or whatever. I talked to an NBA player before, he said that he can always learn new basketball moves from anyone even little kids that are playing in the park. I thought so too. Be humble. If you still can’t define the word humble, might wanna review your elementary school English classes.

Not gonna respond too bulldog and the rest of his loser crews on this thread. Truly shouldn’t have bothered to reply to the, I wasted a few minutes of my life. Thanks for those who provided useful information to the actual topic of this discussion. Case is now closed bois.

LOL… Thank you for allowing me to manipulate you into a response. Pretty much just conformed everything I suspected…


I’m part of a crew now. Alright. Can we go do a 500 million heist or something?