So I started off four years ago, a 5’3, 220 lb 14 yr old, with not much muscle. i decided that i had had enough of that and started to do something about it. i got down to 140 this past august, having stayed away from lifting like an idiot, and so i was weak as could be. unfortunately i only have pics from last december and now, but what i was really looking for is some advice.
I think your body could handle another 50lbs or muscle, but it depends on what YOU want. If you want to add muscle, you have to eat a lot more and some fat gain is inevitable.
I would be aiming for, say 3500kcal to start off with and see if you add weight for 2 weeks. If you do, keep it there until you stop adding weight, if you’re not, then increase it more.
So if you want to add another 10lbs of lean mass, then aim to bulk up to about 200lbs, and then cut down.
Everyone is different and there is no set number which will work for everyone.
Lotta protein, vegetables, if you opt for carbs (and I’m guessing you should), stick to quality ones, whole grains, sweet potatos, oatmeal etc. BAsically start eating MORE and keep training hard so that the body will use the food to make muscle
Way more than 2000 calories for sure. A really easy way of getting an estimate is taking your bodyweight in kgs times 40. 170pounds = 77kgs * 40 = 3040.
That’s just an estimate though, and should not be trusted for more than that. But lets just say that you should eat way more than what you’re eating now. Don’t be afraid to gain a bit of fat either. I’d shoot for 3500 calories or so. If you don’t gain much fat or muscle at that, then just upper it by a few hundred calories and keep trying till you find a number of calories that works for you.
Also, do deadlifts, bench press and rows if you’re not doing them. Stick to basic movements, and remember to change your routine every now and then.