[quote]birchlore wrote:
here’s my situation.
5’10 145 pounds
I have been lifting for a couple years but the last 3 months I have started eating more and only doing compound excersises.
I gained about 10 pounds (originally 135) but I have been at a standstill for the last month.
Day 1: Bench Press/ Inclined/ Declined
Squats/ Military Press/
Day 2: Weighted Chin Ups/ Dips/ Deadlift/ Inclined Weighted Situps/ Cable Woodchopper
I go about twice a week (trying to save as many cals as possible)
My max bench is 175
max squat 220
(been increasing pretty steadily)
I can definitely improve on my diet which is usually:
10- Chef Boyardee
12:30- weight gainer serving
2- subway roasted chicken
5- penne with butter
7:30- weight gainer serving
9:30-turkey sandwich
11- 3 glasses of milk
What can I change? What works well… anything easy to cook? What vitamins should I be taking? Fish oil?
My routines are pretty basic… anything I should change or try out? Thanks… I think I just need to switch a few things up to get back on track.
My goal is to get up to 175 in 12 months.
ty ty
Save your calories by not doing cardio, not by not doing weights.
Find a decent program on here, look at either CT for split training or Chad Waterbury for full body workouts (personally I’m a fan of Chad’s training and have made some serious gains (20 lbs in the last 5 months).
How many calories are you eating? Calculate at least that, not necessarily nutrient breakdown. Just the amount of calories in total! Be precise… You’ll probably find you are NOT eating enough (yes, yes, I know, you are are eating all day but trust me, until I worked out how much I was actually eating in calories I had no idea how little it was!!!)
Get plenty of sleep. As many hours as you can before 12. Minimum 8 hours, if you can get more, then do it!
Stick to the above 4 rules and you will grow. Note: point 2 should be done for however long is in the program (i.e. 4 weeks, 8 weeks, or however much is stated). Once the program is complete, do not repeat it, change to another program, and then another, and then if you really want go back to the original.
As Swivel said, growth comes in spurts. I grew 20lbs in 5 months, but for almost 6 weeks of that I had completely stalled. Guess what. I wasn;t eating enough!
Other thing, if you search in the “Building a Better Body” forum, you’ll find a thread I started with some Excel sheets on it, those are trainign programs, download them, print them and take them to the gym, it will make things easier!
Good luck!