I’m currently recovering from some shoulder issues (working with a sports medicine doc). Overhead work is out for now.
I’m finding that while everything else is growing nicely, my lateral delts aren’t getting the stimulation I want from my current split of slight incline, slight decline, SGHP and SGDL.
After experimenting with a number of movements, wide-grip partial upright rows… raising until upper arms are parallel to the ground… seem to hit the lateral delts without aggravating my shoulders nor involving the traps too much. Unfortunately the full laterals with plates aggravate things a bit.
I was thinking of adding these after my SGHP layers.
Is 3-5x4-6 a good protocol to start with these? Or would you suggest something different?
[quote]LoRez wrote:
I’m currently recovering from some shoulder issues (working with a sports medicine doc). Overhead work is out for now.
I’m finding that while everything else is growing nicely, my lateral delts aren’t getting the stimulation I want from my current split of slight incline, slight decline, SGHP and SGDL.
After experimenting with a number of movements, wide-grip partial upright rows… raising until upper arms are parallel to the ground… seem to hit the lateral delts without aggravating my shoulders nor involving the traps too much. Unfortunately the full laterals with plates aggravate things a bit.
I was thinking of adding these after my SGHP layers.
Is 3-5x4-6 a good protocol to start with these? Or would you suggest something different?
Thanks in advance.[/quote]
Since it is hitting an injured area, I would go with sets of 6-8 with a 1-2 seconds hold at the top.