Just want some opinions on the split I’ve been using. Goals are to build muscle/strength.
Day one Chest
Bench press 4x6, ramping up to a 6 rep max
incline DB bench 3x12,10,8 again ramping up weight
dips 3x12,10,8
Incline flies 3x12,10,8
cable crossovers 3x12,10,8
Day 2 Legs
Squat 4x6 work up to 6 rep max
RDL 4x6 6 rep max
Hack squat (with barbell behind the legs, kinda like a deadlift) 3x12,10,8
GHR 3x12,10,8
Leg ext. drop sets 2x 12,AMAP
Leg curl drop set 2x12,AMAP
The dropsets kill my legs and make me want to throw up btw
Day 3 Back
Rack Pulls 4x6 to 6rm
Pull ups 3x12,10,8
Seated row 3x12,10,8
Straight arm cable pulldown on incline bench 3x12,10,8
Face pull 3x12,10,8
Day 4 Shoulders/ Arms
Push Press 4x6
Behind the neck seated press 3x12,10,8
Rear delt flies 3x12,10,8
lateral raises 3x12,10,8
2 arm exercises each for bis/tris 3x12,10,8
So far its been working for me and I like it but do you guys see anything wrong with it?