[quote]T-Rav wrote:
I’m finishing up the 3rd week of this program I put together for myself. I like the basic idea of the thing with all the big compounds. I have gotten stronger on these lifts. I want to see what you guys think of this, and how I can make it someting I can do for another 4 weeks, after this first block is up. It is grueling to say the least, especially on my lower back which wants to remain in DOMS most of the time at this point.
All lifts are 5 sets of 5. (5x5) Unless otherwise noted… I continually do these days in this order repeating with 2-3 days off per week.
Good Mornings
Power Cleans w/ Push Press
Stiff Leg Dead Lift 3x10
Bench Presses
BB Rows
Incline Bench Presses
Dips 3x15 exrx.net/WeightExercises/PectoralSternal/WtChestDip.html
The Bear http://www.T-Nation.com/readTopic.do?id=459657
SLDL 3x10
Dips 3x15
One-Arm Snatches http://www.T-Nation.com/readTopic.do?id=871614
I would keep a training journal and look at your ability to improve on your lifts as well as how many sets you can tolerate.
I used to find myself dragging butt in the gym trying to get all my sets done, I slowly reduced the volume until I didn’t feel that way and I started getting much better results.
Also, for myself, I do better with giving a bodypart at least 48 hours of rest if the weight and volume is at all tough. Doing rows the day after biceps and chins would be a bad idea, as well as deadlifts two days in a row.
And I like to do the most challenging exercises first. Curls before chins, clean and jerk before good mornings, heavy squats before the bear. This is also safer in terms of danger to your joints. Exhausting your back with good mornings then following up with clean and jerks seems like an unecessary risk.
And (heh, lots of critiques I guess) doing so many hard compound exercises in a workout is for myself excessive. I usually do 1-2 compound exercises per workout and another 1-3 assistance. This is based on experience with my body and looking at my training log for what worked and did not.
Last thing, I used to train a lot of volume for one bodypart because I thought it was necessary to make gains, but it’s surprising how much progress you can make on just a few exercises. My chest grew a lot more when all I did was focus on benching heavy weights than when I did dips, flyes, db bench and flat bench.