What would you do in my situation?
I was doing PPL, then switched to Upper/Lower. Problem is I have an AC joint injury (For a few months now, it’s been getting better… I can barbell bench…starts bothering me after like the 5th set), and now I fuarked up my lower back, it needs to rest.
I think it’s my SI joint in my back, but anyway… I really need to take some time off from deadlifts/squats. It’s getting better but always gets painful again after doing those compounds. So I can’t do my upper/lower right now.
My friend gave me an alternate workout but it’s filled with stuff like Scapular Wall Push, Yoga push ups, Band pull aparts, lying dumbell external rotations, kettlebell rdl’s, etc.
I think this is too extreme, I can still do some pressing so I just want to make sure I always give my AC joint adequete rest and still do a proper mass building workout, and in my spare time do all that rehab chit.
Can I do like a push/pull? Maybe Push Pull rest rest Push pull repeat ? I would just add leg press and some hamstring curls to one of the days, better than nothing. For my back I’d have to do T-Bar Rows, Machine Rows, cable rows, pullups, etc.
I can’t be doing anything that loads my back too much like barbell rows or deadlifts. My main priority is to gain as much mass as I can in these 3 months, then have another 3 months to cut for summer. I’d rather go do isolations and let my lower back rest but gain mass then take time off completely to recover for squats / deads atm.
This is coming from somebody whose favorite lifts are the big 4… bench/squats/deads/ohp… but the only one of the big 4 I can currently do is bench and even benching I have slight shoulder problems.