[quote]EnriqueP wrote:
Hi guys, thanks for the help.
I don’t wan’t to do the same 5x5 program because it only lets me train 3 days a week and I feel like I could train in the weekends too. I don’t feel sore at all. I took advantage of the plateau to change into a four day split.
The reason I set it up with two OHPs per week and one bench is because my bench has stalled heavily because of my lack of shoulder strength. My chest doesn’t get tired from benching, but my shoulders and triceps give out.
I tried to fit in another bench and deadlift, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it without affecting recovery for the other workouts. I can’t deadlift on the same day I squat and if I move the bench to squat day and replace it with a deadlift I won’t be able to squat on saturday.
The reason I added all the other rows and chin ups is because I feel like I have nearly exhausted my beginner strength gains and at 180cm weighing 70kg I am pretty small. I thought I would benefit from working in the 8-12 rep ranges and pulling a bit more to strengthen my shoulders and back.
I know there isn’t much carryover, but doesn’t the increase in muscle size carryover?[/quote]
At 180cm you have a lot of room to grow. A lot of the strongest lifters around your height are at least in the 83kg class (only one person comes to mind in the 74kg class and he’s a rare exception) and most often heavier at the highest levels. Focusing on adding mass at this point should be your highest priority if you want to build a solid foundation for the future.
I honestly think you had great success with doing 5x5 for SQ/BP/DL 3x a week and you can definitely continue to get stronger if you eat to gain weight. It doesn’t even have to be that much - a couple kgs over the cycle would make a noticeable difference. A solution with minimal changes that satisfy your needs would be something like this:
Monday: SQ- 5x5 , BP- 5x5, DL- 5x5
Wednesday: SQ- 5x5, OHP- 5x5, DL- 5x5
Friday: SQ- 5x5, BP- 5x5, DL- 5x5
Saturday: SQ- 5x5 (light/med), OHP- 5x5
You can add chinups and dumbbell rows at the end of any session. Just aim for something like 20-30 reps total with a light/moderate weight. These are both accessory work so they shouldn’t cause much fatigue. If the lower body movements get too heavy to handle then just focus on SQ for Monday and Friday while doing a lower percentage for DL and focus on DL for Wednesday while doing a lower percentage for SQ. When any of the lifts hit a plateau you can switch to a 3x3 scheme to taper the volume for higher intensity.
If your chest is being underutilized you can play around with a slightly wider grip (if your grip is narrow).