[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
mertdawg wrote:
bushidobadboy wrote:
mertdawg wrote:
bushidobadboy wrote:
Oh and from what I understand, ‘super-compensation’ occurs when you have genuinely carb depleted for a few days, then train and intake plentiful carbs. I guess though, thinking about it that you can likely make this more effective with some PPS and glycine.
So I’m not sure that you attain super-compensation just from a single workout, followed by carbs. You need to trick the body into believing that it’s enduring a period of low carbs but lots of glycogen-depleting exercise so the body upregulates its muscle glycogen synthesis ability, before providing it with the carbs, at which point the mechanisms work in your favour, super-saturating the muscle with glycogen.
I could be wrong though
So do you think that the peri workout effect is from non-insulin mediated uptake? (muscles taking in carbs and AA’s when they contract even in the absence of insulin)/
No, because I’m pretty sure that I said “spiking insulin pre-workout” which means that there will be insulin in the system during at least part of your workout, if not the majority.
What I mean is, did the idea of the 1 hour window of opportunity arise because there was non-insulin mediated uptake during and right after a workout?
Ah I think I see what you are saying. In the ‘old days’ (lol, for want of a better word), it was avocated that you should employ the ‘golden hour’ to reload carbs.
I suspect this was due to experimental data that showed that certain processes were accelerated for approximately 60 minutes post-exercise. Unfortunately it now looks like other processes are hindered by catecholamines in the PWO window.
Dunno who is correct, but from experience in myself and those I work with, pre and peri-workout carbs seem to elicit a better response (in terms of lean mass gained Vs fat gained) than PWO carbs.
Well, that’s good news for me. I always got bloated from post workout carbs and to be honest, say I had 100 grams of grape juice +20 whey post WO I swear I could still taste it 3-4 hours later so I doubt it was in my muscles. I could have that more diluted pre-WO, and the beginning of my WO and then switch to water and its out of my stomach an hour post WO.