Prettyboy training

Well, alot of people on this site wanna be or are jacked Mofos. I on the other hand just wanna look good. I dont care about how strong i am, i just wanna look good anf feel good about myslef. As un t-manly as it may seem, I kinda wanna look like Brad Pitt in fight club. So, i thought i would ask this forum as to what kind of training would be needed to do this. Thanks, anyones opinion or advice would be appreciated

Well a lot depends on how you already look. But I would suggest just a basic weight training program and lots of cardio. You’ll get some muscle but you will look cut and healthy rather than muscular and huge(not that that can’t be cut and healthy too). But no matter what you do it will all come down to your diet and lifestyle more than anything else.

Clean up your diet and make exercise a daily habit. Include both weight training and some form of cardio training. Start slowly and progressively increase the intensity, volume, and duration.

If looking like a WWII POW is your idea of a good body, then you must follow a similiar regimen. First, eat 70-80% below you’re caloric maintenance level. Secondly, get a refund for your gym membership…it is useless now. You will not have to work out any longer! Finally, take a sharp knife and cut the remainder of your testicles off. This will ensure that you will not put another ounce of muscle on your body. That’s it!!! Simple right…Let me know how it goes:)

That would sound un-T-manly, except that he just knocked up Jennifer Aniston. I would say to look for some of the Combat fitness stuff floating around this place for training ideas, but keep in mind, you may gain strength as a side effect, just a warning. Oh yeah and get a good plastic surgeon, because few exercises can fix your face, ahh just kiddin.

Uh,you have to work out to look like that? Bra, I’m not trying to be curt: but all I would need to do, to have Brad Pitt’s body, is to stop eating: because I’d have to lose as much muscle as fat to be that small!

Seriously, to look like him is pretty easy. I had some stripper friends and here’s what they’d do: eat 2-3 cans of tuna or 3-4 chicken breasts a day, along with some juice or toast. Lift weights, 3 sets per bodypart, in the 10-20 rep range. Do this thrice weekly. Spend lots of time in the tanning bed too. It’ll help tighten your skin. That’s a boring but effective regime.

Mike C: “The Stripper Diet” TM. I think you should do an article! LOL

dunno… ask Iggy Pop, or any heroin addict

Low carb diet, overtraining, and cardio with ECA’s, and possibly T2 thrown in.

Costume wearhouse… $16.99 …They could even make you look like Jennifer if that’s up yer alley.

Speaking of Iggy, I’ve heard him say that the key to his physique was starvation and steroids.

methinks jealousy abounds.

Just train like an average person does…ignore the muscles you cant see in a mirror, do nothing but benchpresses, bicept curls, benchpresses, lat pulldowns, benchpresses, bicept curls, benchpresses, several hundred situps, benchpresses, and dont eat enough protein…yep, nothing like the average workout to make yourself look like pitt

I think he’s a damn good looking individual in that movie, in fact just today I was thinking how thats what I want my body to look like.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to look like that. Somone once posted about how they wanted to be built like Bruce Lee and i don’t remember anyone giving that poster crap about wanting to look like a guy that weighed a buck-fiftyfive. If being a t-man is based on your body, then i guess De La Hoya, Vargas, Tito, Sugar Ray Leonard, Willie Pep, and a whole list of lightweight boxers, Muy Thai boxers, and greco-roman wrestlers are nothing but a bunch of girls. Besides, he did have a killer set of abs in the movie. And i wouldn’t mind having a set like that.

Greeting all! Tim addresses the Brad Pitt question in BTS of issue 130.

You want to start a subscription to Men’s Health.

there is a big big big difference in the way Bruce Lee looked as to how bradd pit looked. please don’t even compare the two, that is sacrilidge in my oninion. bruce was faaaaaar more ripped than brad could ever dream of being. with faaaaaaaar more strength and power than he could ever dream of having.

I think if I were to look like any movie star I would want to look like edward norton in american history X. If im not wrong someone posted about this a couple of months back and sais that he roided for the movie. Any comments.

What about Pavel Tsasouline type training heavy,frequent never to failure, often and some cardio. I’ve seen a photo of him I think at the dragondoor site and he is REAL lean and definitely not huge. Suggest you check out some of his type of stuff.