I know this has nothing directly linked with bodybuilding. However, I am interested who my fellow weight lifters are going to vote for. I think the results may say a lot about “our kind.”
Given his record (alledged coke use), I would definately vote for Bush. He seems more real and less of a fake-ass, manufactured polititian who will do whatever it is to win the votes. Maybe he will legalize steroids and other recreational drugs.
Harry Brown. Want all these foolish drug laws done with, do away with the IRS,bring back personal responsibility? vote libertarian! IT’s been said that 50% of americans think libertarian but don’t vote that way because they think it is a lost cause. As long as people keep thinking this way it will be. It does pay to vote. Bush and Gore are just panderers.
Bush. I’m a diehard GOP.
Hold on a second, does anyone remember what happened when the last 2 republicans in office, can anyone say recession! If we can’t make enough money to feed ourselves where do we get the money to buy our gear. Granted everything wasn’t perfect under Clinton, but at least it wasn’t a mess like it was before. Seeing as how no one with the balls(ALA Bullworth) to make a difference will ever be made a candidate of either the republican or democratic parties, I go with the lesser of two evils, vote Gore.
Anyone who will fire Barry McCaffrey!
Whether or not Gore smoked a ton of weed, and whether or not Bush did his share of coke, is beside the point. You can guarantee that neither has the sack to do anything but tighten the drug laws! Do you honestly think that bush, if he wins will legalize anything? Remember his old man? (he did his share of traficking but never used it) how tough on drugs he was? Gore or bush will be the same status quo. No weed, no roids, no clen, nothing! If everyone who was pro freedom about what they put into and do with their bodies among a host of other issues voted third party instead of falling for this farce of what this country calls a democracy (dimocracy) you would be able to buy test over the counter and wouldn’t have to worry about extracting shit from vet grade pharmaceuticals. Not to mention have to worry about buying bad and fake shit on the black market. If you want to keep the status quo of anti-roids,anti-drug, and anti-supplements that work vote bush or Gore, they will be sure to help you, guaranteed.
How about a write-in vote for Governor Jesse “The Body” Ventura!!!
Why would anyone vote for someone who was part of one of the most publicly corrupt administrations ever? Not to mention Gore’s part in it also. By the way, anybody who has studied economics extensively would know that the supposed economic boost that democrats are known for is pretty much illusionary. For the most part, the president has almost no control over the economy. We have currently been in one of the worst recessions in many years. I don’t believe Bush’s past drug use says much about his character or how he will handle the presidency. On the other hand, Gore’s relationship with Clinton and his administration says more than enough. But if you’re concerned about drugs, just remember that Bush’s father signed the scheduling of steroids bill into law! I say vote what’s best for the country and not that one personal issue. You just might get a better candidate next time.
Just want to remind everyone who made steroids a banned substance.
I’m absolutely committed to voting for Ralph Nader. Anyone who needs to ask why should find out what Bush and Gore are doing regarding the International Logging Initiative, the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles, the WTO, and corporate welfare.
Bobcat Goldthwait once said that going into a voting booth was much like going into a sex toy store: you just gotta pick which dildo is gonna hurt the least.
None of the above.
Clinton signed the bill making ghb and gbl illegal. And he is much better than Gore. Vote for anybody but Gore. The democrats are trying to take credit for the great economy, but they aren’t really the ones responsible. It’s all the outstanding citizens of this country.
I wholeheartedly agree with the person who mentioned to vote Libertarian. Why do we want to continue to support a government who wants nothing more than to spend our hard-earned money and keep us “safe from ourselves” by dictating what we do with our own bodies? Voted Democratic in the last two elections, and now I’m ready to make the switch!
I have to say I am what I call an idependant conservative. I don’t think this election is about drugs of any kind, I can’t see any of these candidates doing anything about that subject. What we need (in my opinion) is someone who will let people be what they want to be. It shouldn’t be about right or left wing views, it should be about freedom. I vote for George W. Bush because I can’t stand the crap that the Clinton/Gore administration has gotten away with. I feel they should both be behind bars.
And Bush shouldn’t be behind bars either? Actually, the reason I am voting for Nader because I am American Indian, and both Gore and Bush have absolutely HORRIBLE records on Native issues, including environmental protections and human/civil rights action.
Face it, no matter who you vote for, NOBODY is going to do a whole lot to make a tremendous impact, at least as long as you vote for the standard parties. I’ve seen info on the dirt on all candidates involved, and I must say that nobody is technically “clean” as far as anything goes, (except for my choice of Harry Browne, but that could be just because he’s kept his skeletons well hidden.) Hype up a few issues which tend to get the people fired up, such as abortion, prayer in schools, foreign aid, welfare reform, etc. and you’ve got the standard template for any Republican or Democratic candidate. Now, I personally like the Libertarian philosiphy of reducing government size and making the government work for US instead of the way it’s always been where we work for THEM. Aren’t they supposed to be servants of the people? If so, why are there so many of us who are dissatisfied with so many elements of how our country is run and how it impacts our lives? Face it, neither Bush nor Gore is going to change much, if anything. They are self-serving, they both will say ANYTHING that will get themselves into power, and they both could not care less about making your life better. Anyone who thinks that the main candidates will shed one tear over your personal concerns has obviously grown accustom to having to wool pulled over their eyes for far too long. It’s a sad state when someone says “I’m going to vote Republican/Democrat because that’s the way I always do it” or when someone says “Well, they agree with me on this one stance (insert abortion, tax breaks for the poor, or other trite, overhashed topic here) so I’ll vote for them, even though I have no idea on what else they claim to want to do.” It sucks that there are far too few people who vote, but it sucks just as much that so many of us who vote don’t have any idea WHY we are voting the way we do. But, I suppose it’s all a pipe dream that things will ever be better for us, as the odds that the majority will ever vote Libertarian are slim to none, even if it is wholly true that most of us think the way they do. So, cast your ballot next month, but in the meantime, put some effort into realizing WHY you plan to vote the way you will. It could change your mind - I know it did with me!
Thanks, Flaxoil, for the well-written explanation of why
I’m voting for Nader–a man who has already made more of a difference that Bush and Gore ever will, combined. Nader is the man who actually CREATED the legislation for the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Safe Drinking Water Act, and so on (few Americans know he’s the man who did these!). As Nader himself said, in a comment you echo well, “My candidacy is not about beliefs, it’s about thoughts.” Since he’s never been a sell-out to corporate interests (Bush and Gore are both beholden to more than $10 Billion EACH to corporate special interests), Nader is capable of acting ethically and without the compromising of our grassroots/citizens’ representation in government. Most people will vote for one of the Big Two because they’re not yet convinced that we, as voters, yet have the power to demand a better demonstration of government by, for, and of the people (rather than by, for, and of the monied interests), but the rest of us who are disgusted with that situation are choosing someone who represents a difference.
Nader, hands down. This guy has been busting his ass for decades, going up against some giants who don’t give a rat’s ass about anything but the $. It’s sad that most of the public has given up on the idea that a politician can or will do anything but we will get what we ask for- expect nothing, get nothing.
Someday I would like to the the libertarians combine with the greens! They both have similar stances on many things. I have talked with so many people who are dissatisfied with our current form of government( heres your two candidates now vote we are a democracy) THey consistently vote d or r because they don;t think there is a chance for anyone else. Combine that with the shitheads who just plain don’t vote then you have a chance for a third party candidate. It’s hard (don’t think by accident) but not impossible to send a resounding message at the ballot box. Bush or Gore both suck cock. Niether will do anything, or touch the real issues. THis election is a moot point now anyhow. THe best we can do this year, if we truly want to be free from this ever growing tyranical government (10 year sentences for steroids anyone?) is to get of our fucking asses, get the disenchanted nonvoters off their asses, and get the disenchanted dems, repubs, and independants off their asses and vote third party!!! vote nader vote brown, or fucking vote for TC luoma for all I care! just vote for anyone other than the two testicles and send a goddamned message!!!