Looking for help with sets, distance/duration, frequency, intensity, rest periods, etc. for incorporating power sled as main lower body training. 48 yo female, menopausal, former D1 athlete, have never stopped training, but Celtic hips, 6 knee surgeries, fractured hip, lacking anatomical mobility, and squats just don’t do anything for me, except for the safety squat bar, but I don’t own one myself.
Not looking for body building, I want speed, athleticism and strength. I train 6 days a week, lower/upper split, and still a work in progress to keep the volume right to maintain that schedule. Been doing sled work for a month or so now and legs are heavy, tried doing some plyo’s as part of my work before sled recently, and couldn’t get off the ground, was pathetic!
Typical session:
Lateral pull 40 yards, 2x per lead leg, 4 plates (if I don’t do SAQ/Plyo’ & Sprints first- if done then take a plate off)
Forward pulls 40 yards 2x, 6 plates maybe an additional 25 lbs depending on the day (If I don’t do the SAQ/Plyo’s & Sprints first- if done then minus a plate)
Back walk/pedal 40 yards, 2x, 6 plates maybe an additional 25 lbs depending on the day (If I don’t do the SAQ/Plyo’s & Sprints first- if done then minus a plate)
Might do a combination of the forward/back but always start with lateral and do anywhere between 5-10 total sets of 40 yards.
Volume too high? I will throw in some nordic raises before starting these workouts and some additional ham curls and calf raises after the sled work.
Guess I should tell you typical SAQ/Plyo/Sprints too:
SAQ - 4-6 different movements, 10-20 sec duration
Box jumps 3 sets of 5 box jumps
1 leg bounding jumps 3 sets 5 each leg
3-5 hill sprints, 50-60 yards build up, 80-85%
A little input/help would be supper appreciated, and I don’t have any supplements except protein, and if I remember my creatine.