This bizzare looking product was on the news today and aside from the obvious skepticism I had, I went to check it out on this website above. Has anyone got any experiance of any kinda with this thing?
This bizzare looking product was on the news today and aside from the obvious skepticism I had, I went to check it out on this website above. Has anyone got any experiance of any kinda with this thing?
Some info here at T-Nation on vibrational training:
And here:
Straight from the site:
Here’s the link for the certification:
or lack of…
For the record, i have never heard of any of this. It comes off as another “new fad” just from reading the site. My question is: will we see people using swiss balls combined with this thing in the future?
I couldn’t resist.
Read all that stuff, pretty much what I figured. ANyone use it? BUMP!
It looks like a huge, futuristic vibrator.
Sad thing is I bet this shit sells like hot cakes.
[quote]carter12 wrote:
Sad thing is I bet this shit sells like hot cakes.[/quote]
Balbos just bought one.
[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
carter12 wrote:
Sad thing is I bet this shit sells like hot cakes.
Balbos just bought one.[/quote]
From the pic it looks like the vibrations actually shake any real muscle mass right off your body.
Wow. That’s all I have to say. Here’s their reasoning, in my own words. I don’t think they explain it fully on their website, I didn’t check.
High frequency vibration does in fact induce muscle contraction, known as the tonic vibration reflex. This reflex involves the activation of the primary muscle spindle endings, and partially the secondary endings. This stimulation of the gamma motor system activates the alpha motor system of the same muscle resulting in a large number of motor units being recruited synchronously.
Unfortunately for them, this is not an actual reflex by the definition that it is involuntary and uncontrollable. This reflex can be voluntarily supressed by merely thinking about it. Typically this desire to supress the reflex is so strong that people need to be taught how not to supress it! Basically it’s a load of shit. Besides, if the reflex was fully activated the muscles would be virtually immovable. Anyway, just my take on it.
[quote]T-Nation Admin wrote:
Some info here at T-Nation on vibrational training:
And here:
This would make more sense! In my previous post I was thinking that the machine was used to vibrate the muscles while working out. Yeah, pre-work vibration is good as it enhances neural excitability.
There is a hotty I went to uni with who is in all the UK magazine adverts for this piece of crap.
It’s funny cos I know for a fact that she built her hot bod from years of training for heptathlon and using weights, I have seen her in the gym doing power cleans, full snatches, bench press, squats - proper weight training with some quite impressive weights.
Link to a bio and some photos:
I’m probly gonna get flaemd for this, but I tried one of these @ a fitness expo. I did dumbell squats w/ 2 50’s & I must say I felt a differance in my core.Don’t know if it was just from the jirations (sp?) of the machine are if it was actually a new stimuli. However about 10 minutes after I stepped off the machine the feeling was gone and there was no soreness or feeling of the muscle having been worked.
Now I remember when they covered this machine in Muscle & Fitness a cpl yrs. ago. There was claims that cortisol was down, lactic acid build up was decreased also an that Test was elevated. Now how this machine affected those hormones I don’t know.
How would this machine effect hormones I am wondering? since these claims were made.
These things could have a mild effect due to the vibrations but really, are they worth the money? NO, coz they are a load of crap.
Rubber bands vibrate when you use them in your lifts, they vibrate at a rate similar to human muscle and hence can have an added effect for that reason. If you are holding a stretched rubber band with 30 pounds force it is not the same as holding a 30 pound weight because of this vibration effect that doesn’t let your muscles lock off at the myofibril level - because the minute vibrations of the rubber changes the forces applied etc… and blah blah blah
Or so I heard. Is the above completely true? I think so, to a degree. Does it give you an added advantage? Don’t know, maybe. Or maybe it means you have to use less weight. Imagine squating on a vibrating platform.
Bands are better for other reasons. There is no denying they are different, though, than a static weight, or even using chains.
Wow that girl is hot!~
Interesting guys thank you. That’s honestly the same thing I came up with. Seems like something that unless it happen to be right in front of me I wouldnt’ give it a second thought. Then again I like being able to ask here knowing someone might actually have tried it. Nice feedback all around, thanks again guys.
search pub med their are a number of studies out there related to the topic