Power Clean PR, Finally!

You all might laugh, but this was a big step for me.
Im 17, 6’2 250lbs.
I just learned how to power clean properly in the last month.
Previously my PR was 205.
Today i got 225 and i was happy. But i also got 245!!
So i was soo happy!!!

Anyone get any good PR’s on the olympic lifts lately?

I dont do too much oly lifting lately anymore im focusing mainly on PLing it, but ill be the first to congratulate you on your Presonal Record Clean. Im going to assume your a football player?

Good work. Just don’t sacrifice technique for the pounds.


[quote]KingMike wrote:

Anyone get any good PR’s on the olympic lifts lately?[/quote]

Yes, it was just 20 years ago I PRed on Cleans. I’m still pumped!

Great Job - 225 and 245 are both very impressive. I have posted on here before about how screwed up my elbows have gotten doing cleans. I am currently working on form with light weights but I would love to get to 245 some day!

Nice work! Your new PR’s are probably the result of your better form which is usually a more limiting factor than strength.

Yea im a football player. Im gonna play at a division 2 college this year on scholarship. So they made us start doing snatches and cleans.

And thanks guys! I definately feel that form was the limiting factor. Does anyone know what a decent snatch is? Like what do average college athletes snatch and clean?

ROUGHLY 80% of your C & J.


I’m just learning to snatch. I can snatch 115lbs so far (just haven’t tried more) will be hitting bw soon hopefully.

[quote]Blaze_108 wrote:
will be hitting bw soon hopefully.[/quote]


[quote]KingMike wrote:
Does anyone know what a decent snatch is? Like what do average college athletes snatch and clean?[/quote]

there was a study done on LSU’s team a couple of years ago. the averages for the team were approximately:

6’2" 235lbs
320 bench 415 squat 260 power clean
29" vertical 96" broad jump

there were a couple more of these but can’t remember off the top of my head

[quote]actionjeff wrote:
Blaze_108 wrote:
will be hitting bw soon hopefully.


? I’m still learning the form. and many people can’t do a bodyweight snatch.

Are those really LSU’s averages?
I guess there high for averages.
But the only one that really sticks out to me is the 9’6" broad jump.
Thats a beastly jump!

[quote]KingMike wrote:
Are those really LSU’s averages?
I guess there high for averages.
But the only one that really sticks out to me is the 9’6" broad jump.
Thats a beastly jump![/quote]

96" = 8’

Despite the increased mass, you would think with that vertical and squat poundage the atheletes would have a longer broad jump. I broad jump 8’9’'. Then again, that’s the average, meaning it includes linemen and the like.

yeah but you’re also about 80 pounds lighter than the “average”

that makes a pretty big diff

haha 75lbs. and they’re not big enough that they shouldn’t have proportionally more muscle than i do. seeing as they’re competent college athletes, while i’m average at best.

[quote]duck_dodger23 wrote:
KingMike wrote:
Does anyone know what a decent snatch is? Like what do average college athletes snatch and clean?

there was a study done on LSU’s team a couple of years ago. the averages for the team were approximately:

6’2" 235lbs
320 bench 415 squat 260 power clean
29" vertical 96" broad jump

there were a couple more of these but can’t remember off the top of my head
Sorry, i misquoted that, i thought it was 9’6" instead of 96".

Well compared these are my stats.

6’2 1/2" 251lbs
Bench: 335 Squat: 365
Power clean: 245
29" Vertical
99" Broad Jump

And im an incoming freshman to a division 2 program. So its just cool to compare myself to hard fact averages.

Sounds like you have pretty good potential my man. How “athletic” are you, as in coordination, quickness, flexibility, etc? What are your goals?

Hey man
good lifts! thats a big clean!
Good work.
Im stuck at 175 which is just about body weight.

good luck with the college ball.
