New PR

Today we did our maxes in football. I’m 5’10 147 (bulking obviously)

My New Numbers:
Bench: 150 (I have a really bad tendonitis in my right elbow so this is my worst lift)
Power Clean: 165 had more in me though
Deadlift: 290-45 LB PR!!(I had already maxed other things so I think I can get 300 fresh)
Squat: 270
Incline DB: 70’s
OH DB Press: 65’s

40 yard: 4.9 But when I’m fresh I can break 4.7 I think

Pro Agility: 4.32s-.27s PR!!

And I’m a LB and RB if anyone is wondering.

If you keep eating and playing ball, your Deadlift will explode. Don’t be surprised if you pull 400-600lbs before your out of high school, depending on ur dedication. Good job on the Prs and continue training.

You need to get under the barbell more for bench with your other numbers I would expect much more then a body weight bench.

I think your squat is much more impressive then your deadlift PR

That’s a considerable reduction. You should probably perform your own test after 100% recovered to have an acurate idea of where you’re at.

[quote]Zell959 wrote:
40 yard: 4.9 But when I’m fresh I can break 4.7 I think

That’s a considerable reduction. You should probably perform your own test after 100% recovered to have an acurate idea of where you’re at.

Best Avatar Ever…besides mine and Avatars involving boobs…and China Doll. Great Avatar Zell

Nice keep it up.

Get on that tendonistis NOW. Fish oils and a rubber band daily when ever you have a second just put it around your fingers and spread them out for multiple reps etc. Instant (damn near) cure but you have to keep it up.

[quote]Zell959 wrote:
40 yard: 4.9 But when I’m fresh I can break 4.7 I think

That’s a considerable reduction. You should probably perform your own test after 100% recovered to have an acurate idea of where you’re at.
Well I know that that time is way off because he would wait until about 5 feet after the cone until he stopped, and I had done all my other maxes so my CNS was fried.

I also have to continue working on form as i tend to drastically over stride and land heel first so once I can get on my toes comfortably then I should be hitting 4.5’s, which would mean I have one of the top 40’s in our district. Sad, I know, we have a slow district…

[quote]JNeves wrote:
You need to get under the barbell more for bench with your other numbers I would expect much more then a body weight bench.

I think your squat is much more impressive then your deadlift PR[/quote]

Yeah I know, I’m trying different things for recovery and healing my joints. I am currently taking about 6-7g of fish oil, as well as lots of flax oil, etc.

I am looking into some gluco/chrond. mixtures since it was recomended to me for my joints. Basically I have bad joints from growing 9 inches in under 7 months.

I’m purchasing a foam roller as well and I stretch/ice everyday that I have practice.

I think that once I get my knee/hip flexibility and joints clearaed up I’ll be hitting 315 in squat, which will hopefully be before summer ends.

Damn joints! Thanks for the input.