Poster Of The Week 9/15

Congratulations to chints! He’s been selected as our “Poster of the Week” for all of his helpful and positive contributions to the T-Forums .

To show our appreciation, we’re sending chints a tub of <a href=“"target="new”>Classic GROW!

We’ll be posting a new winner every Wednesday!

Wow…thanks guys. I have never tried Grow! before and only heard how great it is. I appreciate the recognition :slight_smile:


Congratulations! Enjoy the Grow!; it’s got good taste AND texture–not watery or gritty.

Well I am a bit late but better late than never. CONGRATS!!!

Keep it up and enjoy the GROW!!!

Now if I can only find more time to post, as well as thinking of something worthy of posting I may get a chance to win…But I am not sure. You all have really pushed the bar up HIGH as of late.

Congrats again,